Chapter 4: Chicken

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I looked down at my hands. Blood and meat. I gasped and ran to the nearest river and washed my hands. 'What am I doing?' I thought,'I had a melt down and killing helps me relieve my stress?'  I shouldn't fall into this. I should apologize to Sky.

Then I realized, I left Sky crying and possibly a broken ankle. I decided to teleport to that server. I was right at the spot where I left. I looked down to see nothing there.

I panicked. 'Where's Sky? What happened to him? Where is he? Did he tell someone?'

I teleported to the next server on my list of "Sky's favorite server," Dawn and his own server. I got into it and I spawned in a desert. I looked around to see that I couldn't find a clue where their house might be. Then, I remembered that their house was in a plain and that was in the west. I know this since I've visited here before. I slept on a bed, but I guess they broke it or something.

I ran and ran until I was tired and hungry. I looked around and found some pigs and chickens. I wasn't sure to kill them or not. I don't want to hurt another animal again. I started walking, instead.

Passing animals started to annoy me. I couldn't stand it. I need to eat them. So, I grabbed a chicken by its throat started to punch it. It kept on clucking in pain.

"Shhhhh....." I whispered to it," It's going to be alright. Just a bit more and all the pain will be gone." I threw the dying chicken on the ground. It was twitching and clucking in pain. I crushed the skull with my foot. I took out the meet and kept it with me.

Now, all I need is fire to cook it. I looked around to find a forest and get some wood. I made a pickaxe and mined eight stone. Then, I used the cobblestone to make a furnace. I used the rest of the wood to cook the chicken.

I ate the chicken. I never knew how good it was until now. I guess I was really hungry. I was still a bit hungry, but I guess this was the energy I needed.

I started to run again, looking for their house.

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