Chapter 25: Officially

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The girl's cry woke my old self up. It was screaming at me to stop, but I didn't let that stop my fun. That's why I'm zipping my jean up with a grin on my face.

You monster! The voice rang throughout my head.

I giggled as I stared at the teared up girl. She was crying softly. I threatened her about telling someone. She understands that her ex-boyfriend wants some loving. I planted a kiss on her cheek and reminded her, "Don't tell anyone. It's between me and you." I untied her right hand and opened the window. I turned into a bird and flew away.

I dove into the lake, where the endermen first dragged me down, and headed straight for the portal. I closed my eyes as I thought about morphing into the dragon hybrid. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the empty kingdom. "Sylva?" I called.

I heard some sobbing in the outdoor "garden." I went to check it out. When I opened the obisidian glass doors, I found out it was Sylva, who curled up next to a black bush, that was crying. "What's wrong?"

She looked up at me. I didn't understand why she had a hurt look on her face. "Get away from me!"

Puzzled, I asked,"What?"

"I saw you! You know what I'm saying!"

I took a step closer.

"Go away!" She scurried back.

"Tell me what you saw!"

"I saw you going on a killing spree. But, that didn't hurt me as much as you SLEPT WITH ANOTHER GIRL!"

I didn't know what to do. "Sylva..."

"Don't call me! I can't believe you! Am I nothing to you?"

"You're everything to me! I mean it."

"Then, why did you... why did you rape her?"

"There's just something inside of me that wants to take over."

And you raped her!

"How am I suppose to believe that?"

"Does it matter? I told you the truth and you won't believe what I'll say, would you?"

She looked away from me, sniffling.

"Look, I'm sorry that that happened. It's just this thing inside me wants the old life back."

And explain everything to my girl who you just raped!

She only answered with silence. I walked closer to her and sat down next to her. My claws inched towards her slim shoulder until-

"Don't!" She moved away. "This is already too much for me. Just don't talk to me right now. I want to be alone."

"Sylva, I-"

"If your inner demon wants his old life back, then give it! I can't handle seeing the same body who just raped his precious girlfriend being next to me!"

"I can't, Sylva."

"Why can't you just let me be?"

"Because I love you too much to leave you."

"Have you heard the phrase 'if you love someone, let them go?'"

"Yes. And I'm coming back for you!"

"I don't think I can trust you with my life anymore! We used to be best friends. We were there for each other! And now, you leave me like this after we made it official."

"Officially together! Look, arr we official or not?" This time, she looked straight into my eyes. Her eyes were like a waterfall during a flood.

"We are," I held her chin and kissed her," and I'm sorry that happened. I won't leave you like this again."

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