Chapter 28: Getting back

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Even though I'm back, this disguise wouldn't come off. I guess I should be glad because I'm sure this whole town knows about my mistakes. And I can use the same power as the other me did. I can morph. It didn't feel right to use it, but I had to. I need to find my Jocelyn.

Jocelyn went missing two days ago. There's nothing special about that day. Is she seeing somebody? Shouldn't Dawn or Sky know about that? If she went away, then she would've told someone. Then, she could be kidnapped. But, by who?

Right now, I feel something moving in my pocket. Dawn! I ran into the forest. Most of it was covered in blood. Ugh! I moved somewhere with no blood all over the place. I released Dawn from the cage. She was about to scream, but I closed her mouth. "Dawn, I'm sorry that this happened."

"You're sorry?" her muffled voice yelled.

"It's a complicated story. But, right now, Jocelyn is missing. I need to find her." I

"I haven't seen Jocelyn for a while either. How do you know she's missing?"

"The news spreaded all over town. Look, I need your help before time runs out?"


"No time to explain. I need to do this right now! I need to find Jocelyn and I need some information from you. When was the last time you've seen her?"

"It's been a couple of days- I don't know. She wanted space, so she was alone the whole time, or at least from what I know."

"Okay. I need you to go back to your home. I don't think Sky should know about this because he'll not let me see you. I want you to look around to find any clue that Jocelyn might've left. I'm going to find her."

"Alright." She ran away from me without hesitation. It was like she was still afraid of me.

I have no idea what to do. Where am I suppose to go? How am I suppose to know? The last time I saw her was...when the beast raped her. Was she running away from me? It would make sense to not tell anyone so no one cane tell me where she is, but I'm sure that she wouldn't be like that.


"Jocelyn?" I managed to squeak.

"Ty?" she said under her breath.

"Yes. I'm sorry, babe. This isn't how I should be. There's this monster inside me that took full control of my body now."


"I'm sorry babe. I love yo-" I was cut off by my other self, who was moaning in pleasure.

~End of Flashback~

Someone must've taken her.

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