The New Normal

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Chris POV

I am a werewolf hunter, and yet here I am with several wolves in my life. My mind has been stuck in confusion. I know what I was born to do, and I know what I was taught, but things are no longer black and white. I can no longer judge wolves. Hell, I have one as a son now. Shit if Sam and Dean could see me now, they would think I am insane. Hopefully, they will not be visiting me any time soon. I dropped the Winchester name years ago after I got married to Victoria. They call me a few times a month, but they are always busy, so we hardly see each other.

Peter, Derek's uncle, was trying to build a pack and it backfired when Isaac did not want to be a part of his blood lust. So, I adopted Isaac, one of the best decisions in my life. He has been a terrific addition to the family. The only problem is Derek is his best friend. Derek's Uncle killed Victoria, so here we are in this weird situation.

I remember seeing Derek walk into my house, he had that smug look on his face. I wanted to punch him, I wanted to hurt him. Like his uncle hurt me. His family a plague on me. My heart ached, my skin itched, I wanted to shoot a bullet into him, I wanted to break my code. I wanted to kill him and then his uncle. I wanted a way to release this anger building up in me.

I see Isaac smiling and laughing. It chips away at the anger in me. We have gotten close the past few months. Allison is always running to make out with Scott as if I don't know what teenagers do.

So, Isaac and I have been hunting and spending time together. We have a good bond between us, so how could I deny him happiness. This means I see Derek way more than I really want to.

I retreated to my study, knowing my anger was getting out of control. I did not need Isaac or anyone else to see me break down. I punch the desk under me, the glass top cracks and blood smears on the surface. I sit in the chair behind my desk as I blow out the breath I was holding.

I hear a small knock at the door. I quickly push the papers on my desk over the cracked surface and pull my hand under the desk.

"Come in," I say expecting it to Isaac, knowing two wolves were in my house and assuming they would have smelled it.

Allison walks in worry written all over her face.

"Dad, are you ok?" She asks walking up to me.

I bury my bleeding hand into my pants pocket.

"Yeah, honey I am alright," I say smiling at her.

"Isaac said he smelled blood and well anger." She spoke.

"Oh, yeah I just got a paper cut," I say ruffling her hair with my uninjured hand.

She pulls me into an unexpected hug. We stay that way for a bit, she always has a way of knowing when I need this.

She tells me dinner will be ready soon and leaves me alone in my study.

I move the papers and look down at my desk trying to figure out how I was going to explain the damage and my injury.

I move to the bathroom connected to my study to clean and wrap my hand.

As I put the final changes on my hand the door flies open, and a wide-eyed Derek is looking at me.

"Oh uh Mr. Argent, I'm. Uh...sorry." He says backing away and retreating to the hallway attached to the bathroom.

"Derek, come here!" I say forcefully. He resurfaces in the doorway.

I beckon him to come fully into the bathroom and I close the door. Worried that he might have seen my hand, I start to explain a bit and hope he will keep his mouth shut.

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