Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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Chris POV

I'm tied to one of the chairs in the kitchen and duct tape is on my mouth. My arm and shoulder are throbbing, I really wished I was healed before this bullshit happened.

Peter is pacing back and forth choosing his words I suppose. I keep twisting the tape that is on my wrist hoping for a break or tear to happen.

Peter finally sits in front of me his ass on my kitchen table.

"You know Argent after I killed your wife, I never expected you to switch teams and with my nephew. The nerve." He says gasping dramatically.

He laughs, it's an evil laugh low and deep.

"You know it wasn't smart to be alone, what were you thinking?" Peter says smiling.

I roll my eyes.

Death never scared me; I always knew that my line of work was dangerous. If something happened to me things were set up for Allison and Isaac to live comfortably. Although with this new development with Derek, I hadn't added anything which did make me a bit uncomfortable, and hope that the end of Peter's monologue didn't include claws to my neck.

Peter is pacing again like he is waiting for something. He turns to one of his goons, "Any word?"

The goon replies with "About fifteen minutes out."

"Perfect," Peter says as he smiles at me.

"Argent as much as I hate you, I hate someone else much more." He turns away to look out the window.

"OOOOhh Argent can you guess, can you guess who is worse than you, can you guess who that cocky, arrogant bastard is?" He says, his face getting red with anger.

I just look at him, obviously, I couldn't speak and he knew that he was just taunting me.

"I have a list of names; I will have my revenge and I am going to start with your dear brother Dean. I have rebuilt my pack, I have healed, I am stronger. Once he is dead, I will kill you, but I needed you for bait. I was not the only one keeping tabs on you." Peter says as I hear the familiar roar of a car outside.

Peter is stupid if he thinks he's going to get what he wants with three experienced hunters in the house. We may be human but we sure know how to fight our asses off.

I can see Peter shifting as I finally stretch the tape out to get one hand free. I had to get to the panic room, I wasn't worried about Sam and Dean, I was almost positive they knew what they were walking into. This isn't their first encounter with Peter., which is also why Dean is hellbent on breaking me and Derek up.

I hear the door open and immediately come the gunshots, I take my chance and head for the garage. Someone tries to grab my ankles from the floor but I slip through their grasp.

I make it to the panic room door and lock it quickly. I sit in the chair in front of the security monitors and take a breath that's when I notice the blood.

"Fuck" I said noticing the hole in my shoulder.

Of course, it's my left shoulder, the shoulder that is already healing, the shoulder that is already damaged.

I take a breath and see what equipment I had around me. I needed to get the bullet out.

I spot a pair of scissors, an old shirt, and a lighter. I use the lighter to sterilize the scissors the best I could, knowing I would definitely need to go to the hospital at some point but for now, this is what I had to work with.

I take the scissors and dig the bullet out; tears are streaming from my eyes. I might be a badass but this shit still hurts.

I hear the bullet clink on the floor. I wrap my shoulder the best I can with the old shirt I found, at least the bullet was out now.

I take a breath, trying to put my thoughts together.

I need to call Derek.

I pull the emergency landline out and dial his number, it rings once.

"Hello." Derek answers.

"Derek, Hey," I say.

"Chris, are you ok?" He asks concern in his voice.

"Yeah, for the moment. Your uncl...Peter is here." I get out before Derek cuts me off.

"Where are you? Are you safe? I'm coming home right away." Dere says in a rush.

"I am in the panic room. I am safe. He's after my brother Dean. I don't know how long I can wait in here though." I say hissing as I move my shoulder.

"You are hurt. What happened?" I can hear Derek's voice almost go into a growl.

"It's not a big deal, but I know I'll need real medical assistance soon," I say.

"Chris." Derek pleads.

"I got shot in the shoulder, the bad one, I got the bullet out but it could possibly get infected," I say.

"Shit, Chris look I'm already at the airport, I am going to get the first flight I can home. Look be careful, I am going to call my mother after I get off the phone with you and have her head to your house, she will get you out of there. Just stay safe ok, please." He says, I can hear the panic in his voice.

"Babe, I'll be ok," I say as sincerely as I can.

"I know you will be; I just want to be there with you." He says.

I can hear the pain in his voice.

Believe it or not, Derek was a very emotional beast, partly werewolfness partly just because he loves fiercely.

"I know hon. Just work on getting on that plane and I'll see you in a few hours." I say reassuringly.

We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone.

"Please, hurry Derek," I say to myself as I go back to watching the monitors.

Derek's POV

Isaac and I were on our way to the airport when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID and it said unknown.

"Hello," I answer.

It was Chris and he was in trouble.

Isaac was intently listening to our conversation I could see his face shifting and fingers gripping the steering wheel.

We make it to the airport and I hang up with Chris.

"Derek, we need to get home," Isaac says.

I run my fingers through my hair, frustrated and anxious.

It was going to be a long flight home; God I hope he is ok. We make it to our gate but we wouldn't be boarding for another 30 minutes so I call my mother.

It rings twice before she answers. I tell her the situation and she reassures me that everything will be ok and tells me that she is already on her way over. We hang up and I wait.

I keep bouncing my legs and biting my nails.

After about 15 minutes Isaac grabs my hands and holds them. It's a weird exchange but I don't pull away, I know he is just as anxious as I am.

He looks me in the eyes and says, "Look I know you are worried and hell I am worried too, but you know damn well that dad is strong and he won't give up without a fight and you know that your mom is super dangerous and Peter is no match for her. So, take a deep breath, we just need to get through this flight, and then we will be home." He squeezes my hands as he lets go. I nod at him and attempt to be still the rest of the time. We finally board the plane home.

"Just hang on baby, I am coming." I think.  

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