Things Could Get Interesting

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Derek POV

I had decided to go for a run, like every other night, but I really needed to wolf out. I could get caught at the park and Argent has the damn woods rigged up so it would be too dangerous to run there. So, I decided to run to Isaac's house and use their giant backyard to get some wolf energy out. My logic was I could tire myself out and then just crash with Isaac.

This would be my fifth time running around the property, and then I noticed Chris on the deck. I could smell him, that woodsy, citrus smell. It filled my nostrils, making my brain a bit fuzzy. I liked it.

I saw him pull out a gun.

"Well, shit," I say.

I start to run to the deck and transform back into a human. I am naked, and well it is not like he has not seen me this way. He runs into the house to get me some clothes, which I am thankful for, and makes a mental note to leave some of my clothes in Isaac's room for future night runs if Chris did not shoot me first.

We spend a few hours chatting and just enjoying the night.

"Chris, why don't you go try to get some sleep. You look tired." I speak.

Chris looks at his phone to check the time and nods at me.

"Yeah, I guess you are right." He says standing up to stretch, I notice his muscular stomach underneath.

"You should get some rest too. You are welcome to use the guest room or of course crash with Isaac. Just let me know when you are going to go for a run ok. I know I talk a lot of shit, but I do not think I really want to shoot you, at least for now." He says to me chuckling.

I smile at him and watch as he heads into the house.

This day certainly has been interesting. I steal a few more minutes outside and then head into Isaac's room. Not sure if it is pack mentality or just because I am used to sharing a room, but it is usually easier for me to sleep when someone else is there with me. It always has been that way, which is part of the reason Scott and I share a room at my mom's house. Stiles sleeps like a maniac so we could never share a bed with him.

I do have my own place. It is a nice apartment, but I usually only stay there two or three nights a week. Between my mom and Isaac, I am usually crashing with them until we get tired of each other and need a break.

I do not particularly need to work, our family owns a lot of the property in town, so money is not really a big deal. So, a lot of my time is spent helping my family and the Argent's. Sometimes I spend night shifts with my mom at the hospital or go on stakeouts with my dad. I am added muscle and protection. Not that my mom would need it, she is the alpha. Dad is another story, I have taken a bullet or two for him, he is like Scott and Stiles always getting into trouble.

I climb into bed with Isaac.

"Der?" He asks tiredly.

"Yeah, bro it's me," I say.

His long arms, wrap around my waist and he falls back asleep.

This was not unusual for us. We were close, we even dated once, but quickly learned that that was a mistake. We learned that we were simply better as friends.

Besides Scott and Stiles, he was the only one that knew I was gay. Hell, I had not even told my mom or dad yet, although I am sure they might know by now, considering I have not had a girlfriend in years. It gets lonely sometimes, but I just have not found that right person yet.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

When I wake up the next morning, Isaac is already gone. He works with and for Chris, he must have had an early appointment. I contemplate going back to sleep but decide to get up. I pull on Chris's hoodie, which I do not plan to give back, because it is comfortable. I make my way downstairs to grab a cup of coffee. Chris is sitting at the bar in the kitchen sipping coffee and reading the newspaper.

I grab a cup of coffee and sit next to him.

I clear my throat, unsure what kind of mood he might be in.

"Good morning," I say testing the waters.

"Morning." He says in his gruff morning voice.

I turn and try to hide my smile. Not sure what is happening to me, but I am sure I am attracted to this man. This is completely insane and inappropriate, so I chalk it up to just being lonely and/or horny.

I sip my coffee and ask, "Did Isaac have an early appointment?"

Chris puts his newspaper down on the bar and says "Yeah, he is pretty experienced at this point, so I only go with him on the super dangerous jobs."

"Oh ok," I say as my stomach makes a loud and embarrassing grumble.

We both laugh.

"Let me make you some breakfast," Chris says heading toward the fridge.

"Oh, don't really have to do that I can have cereal or something," I say a blush creeping up my face.

"Really Derek, you would rather have cereal than Argent's famous pancakes. I am truly hurt." He says smiling at me.

I laugh, this is nice, this Chris I could get used to.

"I mean if you put it that way, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings. Bring on the pancakes!" I yell excitedly.

Chris starts to busy himself in the kitchen, I hop off the barstool and try to help him. I mostly get in the way, but Chris never fusses or gets mad at me. By the end of it, we had a giant stack of pancakes and bacon. We both eat too much. I help Chris clean the kitchen, even though he keeps saying he could get it. It was a nice reprieve from our normal anger rants at each other.

I head home, hoping there were more days like this in the future.  

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