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Chris POV

It's been two days since we checked Derek into the hospital and I haven't left his side, but my brother keeps blowing up my phone and I know I will have to face them soon.

I walk to my car; I needed a cigarette and the pack on me was gone. Derek whined at me as I left the room, we've been bonding. I guess I'll be in his pack soon.

I smile as I reach my car, it feels nice to have someone who cares about me.

I look up and notice two unfamiliar guys standing next to my freshly smashed windows.

"So, this is the werewolf lover. Huh, looks thinner than I expected." The man with the gun says.

Fuck, all my guns are in the trunk.

I stay silent analyzing the situation, I know they are trying to get a rise out of me.

"It's not often you find a Winchester with no words." The man with the bat says.

I suppose I better say something.

"Look, I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here, but if you want a fight, I can guarantee you won't win," I say with confidence.

I fought much worse things than humans.

The man with the gun decides to keep this quiet and comes at me with his fists.

I dodge the first two strikes and he catches me in the jaw with the third strike. My nose is bleeding, but I've had worse. I lunge at him with an uppercut. He staggers backward falling onto the pavement. The man with the bat comes at me full force I hear the smack before I feel it. He's hit me in the shoulder, the sound is sickening, almost positive it's dislocated but the adrenaline is pumping and somehow, I get the bat out of his reach.

"Batter up, bitch" I say as I swing the bat into the side of his head.

He's lucky I didn't kill him or his damn friend. They both run off, I am still holding the bat in my good hand.

I can taste the blood spilling from my nose, and my shoulder is completely numb. I open my car door and take a seat; I open my glove compartment and grab the damn cigarettes I came out here for.

I take a drag as I try to move my shoulder.

Fuck, it hurts really bad, but I can still move it. I think it's dislocated and I am not in the position to reset it.

I finish my cigarette and call Isaac.

"Hey, Dad." He answers

"Isaac can you come to help me at the car for a minute," I say.

I know he can hear the pain in my voice before he can say anything I say "Just come quickly and quietly."

We hang up and a few minutes later Isaac is running to me.

"What the hell happened??" He asks taking in the car and my face.

He's touching my cheek and asking if I'm ok.

"Isaac, I need you to relax and reset my shoulder, then I will tell you what happened."

He nods at me and I get into position, I've never had to reset my shoulder before but I've had to reset other things like my nose so I wasn't prepared for the jolt of pain that shook me when my shoulder was repositioned.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!" I scream.

I'm clutching my arm trying to soothe the pain now radiating from my shoulder to my hand.

"Dad, Derek heard you," Isaac says helping me out of the car.

"Shit. Well, I'll tell you what happened on the way up and then I guess I'll have to tell Derek." I say.

I wasn't surprised by the way Isaac reacted, he begged me to go find the guys that hurt me, but I knew it wouldn't help anything.

I have a feeling someone hired these men and I needed more information before I set my wolves on them.

I convinced Isaac to go back to the waiting room and told him he could tell Alison and Scott.

"Chris!" Derek yells.

I walk in, his face is partially turned and his claws are ripping the sheets on his bed.

I run to him and put my hand on his chest.

"Hey...hey, I am ok. Look I am ok." I say in a soothing voice.

His eyes dart back and forth looking at the door then looking at my face.

"What happened?" He growls.

I am silent for a moment, deciding how to approach this situation.

"Chris I can smell the pain on you, come here and tell me what happened." He says pointing to space next to him on the bed.

I awkwardly and painfully climb next to him. He immediately grabs my hand and starts to siphon my pain away. A werewolf trick that is pretty common amount alphas.

I pull my hand away. "Derek, you need to save your strength," I say.

We stare at each other, both stubborn.

"Just tell me what happened," Derek growls.

His claws are still out but his face is back to normal. I pull his head to my chest and start to run my fingers through his hair. I needed a calm wolf in order to tell him what happened.

I finally get through the events and he's trying to get out of the bed while I'm still laying on him.

"I will kill them," Derek says, his eyes glowing red.

"Derek, that will not help anything right now, we are both hurt and not in a position to handle this," I say pushing my palms down on his chest.

I can see the anger, hurt, and rage playing on his face.

I straddle him and forcefully kiss him.

I kiss him as if we were dying.

As if he was the air I need to breathe.

As if he was the only thing that mattered in my life.

I open my eyes and I can see his normal eyes staring at me. I rest my head on his chest and he's holding me almost painfully tight, but I don't feel like moving.

He whispers sorry into my hair and I can feel him relaxing.

"We both need rest. Let's talk about this mess when you are feeling better." I say my eyelids already closing.

I never sleep this much, but something about a warm ass wolf that just makes you feel comfortable.

I never thought I would think those words.

I was so ready to be home in my bed with Derek.

I just wanted this bullshit to end.

I just want to be happy, why does it have to be so complicated.

People's opinions of right and wrong are really starting to get on my nerves. As soon as I can shoot with this shoulder again, I'm solving this problem, and Derek and I are going on vacation. I finally fall fully asleep, thinking of a half-naked Derek sunbathing on a beach.  

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