Have you met...Isaac

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Isaac POV

I made it to the hospital, the nurse says he's in room 211 before I can even ask. This was not our first time at the hospital. I thank her and run to the room. My dad is fast asleep and covered in tubes.

I take his hand in mine and say "Well at least you made it to the hospital, old man."

I feel him squeeze my hand.

"I am not that old. I can still hear your ass." He says as he opens his eyes and weakly smiles at me.

I hug him and my emotions get the best of me.

"I was so worried about you," I say in-between sobs.

"Yeah, I was worried about me for a little bit." He says scanning the room.

"Derek is at his house," I say.

"Isaac, you let him go alone!" He angrily yells.

"Look I knew you wouldn't like it, but I think Derek is more capable at protecting himself than you or even me," I say sitting next to him on the bed.

He stares at me in silence.

"Great talk. Anyway I called Alison and Scott and they are on their way home, I had to call the hotel they were staying at because neither one of them had a signal." I say annoyed.

"Ok, thank you, can you please go make sure Derek is alright?" Dad asks.

I don't want to leave him, but he's practically begging me.

"Ok, but can I get you anything before I leave?" I ask.

"Coffee would be great." He says gruffly.

God, he is such a baby sometimes. I walk out into the hallway and I smell him before I see him.

He smiles at me and my heart flinches, he has the worst timing but I'm not mad about it.

"Isaac, hey is your dad, ok?" Liam asks as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

Our relationship is not a relationship, I like him and everything it's just we are always missing each other. He also doesn't know about my wolf aspect, which makes it hard to hang out when your wolf eyes always want to make an appearance.

"I hope so," I say, trying to make it short and sweet.

"Can I help in any way?" He asks eyes bright.

In a perfect world, I could stand here and chat, have a fucking cup of coffee and just enjoy his company, but we don't live in that world right now.

"So here is the thing, my sister is coming home from the mountains and I have to go check on Derek for my dad, would you mind bringing him a cup of coffee and hanging out for a bit, I mean just until Alison gets here?" I ask.

"Isaac, I know things have been hit and miss for us and when things calm down a bit, I would love to have some proper time with you, but until then I will provide whatever help I can offer." He says smiling.

"You are the best. Thank you." I say blushing.

I pull him in for a tight hug, hoping it expresses the words I can't say and I head toward the exit. Maybe a little too happy to be going to save my best friend from the claws of Satan but that is the way our lives seem to go.

I get to Derek's house; the house lights are on and Derek is bloody sitting on the porch steps smoking a cigarette.

"Fuck, are you ok?" I say as he gets up to hug me.

He pulls away takes a drag of the cigarette and puts it out.

"I'm alright, family is inside the house and Peter is gone." He says gruffly, clearly tired.

"When did you start smoking?" I asked sitting next to him.

"I use to smoke a lot, but now it's just once in a while, blame your dad." He says smiling.

"How is he?" Derek asks me.

"He is doing alright, same sassy self as always. Liam is at the hospital with him until Alison gets there." I say.

"Yeah, Scott texted me a bit ago said they were an hour away and that they had finally gotten signal."He says.

"Do you think they are safe?" I ask pointing to the house.

"I think, for the time being, Peter was in pretty rough shape, I almost killed him but Mom stopped me. He locked her and Stiles in the basement and Dad was unconscious at the police station." He says emotionally.

I could tell Derek was having a hard time, I am sure he lost control when he was fighting Peter and I know that, that scares him.

I put my hand on his shoulder, telling him to go to the hospital and I would stay with his family.

He grabs his leather jacket and doesn't bother putting on a shirt or even shoes.

He leaves as I head into the house.

Melissa is sitting in the kitchen; Stiles is on the couch with a bag of frozen peas held to the left side of his face.

I sit next to him.

"Hey, slugger how are you doing?" I ask.

"I am fucking peachy." He says with a slight lisp, as his face was very swollen.

"I'm sorry," I say as I touch his arm.

We share a moment, like an electric shock.

"Shit must be static electricity." He says as he rubs the spot we touched.

"Yeah, must be," I say putting my head in my hands as my elbows rest on my knees.

"You look tired, you can go lay in Derek's bed if you want." Stiles offers.

I smile and nod deciding that was a good idea.

I lay down in Derek's unkempt bed, it's comfy and I slowly drift off.

Not sure how much time passed when I hear the door unlatch. I'm on high alert until I smell a familiar smell. Stiles, spicy yet smooth smell.

He's climbing on the bed, lying next to me. I stay still pretending to still be asleep.

He whispers in my ear "I know you are awake."

I turn to look at him our noses almost touching.

"I've lived with wolves long enough to know I could never sneak up on one of them." He says his breath licking my face.

I breathe, not knowing what is even happening.

His hand is on my cheek and painfully slow he's pulling me toward him.

"Can I.." He starts to say having a hard time asking.

I close the gap knowing I shouldn't, knowing things were already so complicated, but at that moment, he was intoxicating. I wanted to drown in him.

I kiss him.

It's a long draw out kiss and it leaves me wanting more.

My brain is numb, all this time was it Stiles I was drawn to and not Derek.  


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