Airport Grumpy Pants

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 Derek POV

Today was the day, Chris was coming back. I told myself that I was going to give him some space and not be there when he came home, so I tried to occupy my time. I washed my car, then I washed Stiles's car, then I washed my mom's car and my dad's car. Scotty drove a motorcycle and was with Allison anyway so I couldn't wash that. I cleaned the house until it was shining. I tried not to look at the time. When I felt like I had cleaned everything I could, I went for a run. I use to run to clear my head, but now I ran to get lost in thought. I ran for a long time and I went hard on myself. When I finally made it home, I was drenched in sweat and tired. I sat on the steps to our house and my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Issy.

D: Hey bro, what's up?

I: Derek, thank god you answered. Can you do me a big favor?

D: Um...I guess. What do you need?

I: Can you pick my dad up from the airport? Allison is off somewhere with Scott and I have a last-minute appointment to go to.

D: Um...are you sure this is a good idea? Did you text him to let him know?

I: I think it's a great idea and no I don't think he needs to know it can be a surprise.

I can hear the smirk on Issy's face.

D: Ok Issy, how long do I have?

I: Maybe a half hour.

D: Guess I need to get going. I'll see you later.

I: Let me know what happens. Kissey kisses. Love you.

He says as he hangs up with me. I was sure this was a setup, but I wasn't upset about it. I didn't have time to shower so I went in and changed. I grabbed some clothes and shoved them in a bag, knowing Isaac he would want me to spend the night.

I get in my car and headed to the airport, bracing for a mad or surprised Argent.

Chris POV

I finally reached the airport; I was almost home. Tired, and hungry I make my way to the entrance where people pick you up. I'm looking for Isaac, but whose car is there instead...Derek's.

I can feel the anger inside me start to rise. When things don't go quite the way I planned it makes me irritable. I wanted to see Isaac, I wanted an easy ride home, maybe even a pit stop for dinner, and catching up with my son, but now I am in this tense situation.

I realized I was just staring at the car, so I mentally kicked myself into gear, put my bag in the trunk, and then slid into the front passenger seat.

"Hey." Derek whispers.

"Hey, what happened to Isaac picking me up?" I said with an attitude. I could see each word sting him.

"Well, he had a last-minute appointment and asked me to pick you up." He said through his teeth.

We both were angry, it hung in the car like an unmovable cloud.

How did we get back to this end of things?

We sit in silence as Derek makes his way to the house.

After a few minutes, I decide that I am too hungry to wait to get home.

"Derek, can we stop somewhere for food?" I ask.

He looks in my direction and nods.

"Where do you want to stop?" He asks me.

"Anywhere, can you just pick something?" I could feel a headache starting.

"Right." He says.

A few minutes later we are parking at a diner.

"This place has the best burgers," Derek says as he turns the car off.

I give him a tight smile and proceed to get out of the car.

I was hoping for fast food, but here we are about to have a meal alone in public. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I can feel my palms starting to sweat.

The hostess seats us in a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. I sit and start to look at the menu. Several times I catch Derek staring. I am dreading this conversation that he clearly wants to have, but I guess this is probably the best place to have it.

We order our food and I surrender to Derek.

"Tell me what's on your mind," I say looking at those hazel eyes.

He stares at me with curiosity.

"I mean are you really interested in what's on my mind?" He asks.

"Yes, Derek, I can tell you want to talk, so please," I say as I take a bite of my burger.

Derek POV

I was nervous about having to pick Chris up at the airport. I saw him standing there I almost thought he might go back into the airport, but then he put his bag in the trunk and got in the passenger seat. I could tell he wasn't happy and it made me want to sink into the seat. I softly greeted him and expected a silent ride ahead. His posture and questioning about Isaac are making me angry. He's acting like I am ruining his whole day. I just want to get back to his house and hide in Isaac's room. He asks about a food pit stop and I guess I am obligated to not let him starve. He lets me pick the place, which I am happy about at least I can get a good burger out of this. We make it to the place and get seated. We order our food and make small talk, when it gets to the table Chris asks me what's on my mind.

I am frustrated, I don't know what to share with him and what to keep secret.

"I mean there is an elephant in this room that we've never gotten to talk about," I say.

He's staring right at me, right in my eyes. It's intense and I try to keep his gaze, but turn away blushing.

He clears his throat, "Derek, I don't know how to start this conversation. I don't know how to feel this."

I can see the frustration on his face. I could understand, I was also feeling this frustration. It felt like we were stuck in quicksand and we were just drowning. How can we move from this place?

I reach a crossed the table and put my hand on top of his hand. He doesn't pull away, surprisingly. He's rubbing my hand with his thumb.

He won't face me but he starts to talk "Derek, I don't know what this is. I don't even know how to process it and I can't promise shit won't be hard, but I can tell you one thing...I like it. Even if everything in me is screaming not to."

We sit in silence as we finish our food. I'm feeling pretty exhausted, and I am sure Chris is too so I decide to leave the conversation for a later time. Chris pays the bill after we argue about it and we head back to his house. He looks tired so I offer to bring his bags up for him. He doesn't fight me.

Isaac is standing in the doorway winking at me. I give him a murder glare.

He laughs and greets his dad. They talk for a bit about the trip, and then Isaac tells Chris to go to bed because he looked super tired. Isaac promises they will catch up over breakfast tomorrow.

I watch Chris walk up the stairs, these feelings are confusing, but I also like them so I am just going to let them stick around for a while.  

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