Noone Likes Goodbyes

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Derek POV

I threw my gear into the car. I know this is the showdown. I can feel it in my bones. I can feel my wolf wanting to take over. I drive to the farmhouse, too fast, but I need to be there. I feel Chris's hand on my shoulder. He says we do this together, but I already feel the anger rising. I know who's behind this and he needs to die. He needs to get out of my life and stop hurting the people I love. We pull up and I smell the blood before we even get out of the car. This is not good. He's lost too much. Alison is holding Scott's ripped shirt to the wound. Scott is pale. My insides are squirming, I can feel the wolf trying to take control. I can feel the urge to destroy everything.

"Scott." I struggle for words.

"Der..ek, it was Peter this is a trap." He breaths out

As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt the sting of a bullet hit my left leg.

I was losing control.

Chris took cover in the bushes as my mom's car pulled up.

Things were a blur.

I saw my mom get Alison and Scott into the car and then they were gone.

I couldn't find Chris. I knew he could take care of himself.

I took a breath, I let the emotions take over.

I let the wolf in.

I didn't feel the bullets anymore. Everything felt automatic, like reflexes.

One, two, three, seven, eight, ten men on the ground in front of me.

I could hear myself roar, and I could see myself fighting, but I didn't feel like it was me.

I felt like I was watching this monster, me, but it didn't feel like me.

Chris POV

Sitting in the bushes by the farmhouse I fumble with my phone. I send a group text to Isaac, Stiles, Sam and Dean it said SOS and sent my location. I'm trying to make it to the car. Knowing Derek, he packed my guns. I snap a few necks on the way. Moderately aware that my shoulder still wasn't healed. If I make it out of this Derek and I are taking a goddamn vacation. I make it to the trunk, dodging bullets as they pass. Fuck, this is not good. Derek has the keys. I need to make it to the driver's side to pop the trunk. Luckily, Derek is giving them hell. He's transformed into a giant jet-black wolf. This transformation was different, Derek definitely did not look like Derek. He was violent and unforgiving. I made it to the front seat and pulled the trunk lever. I reach the trunk and there they are two pistols, and my shotgun. I grab the guns and as much ammo as I can carry. Trying to ignore the now throbbing pain in my shoulder. Derek doesn't need much help, but I start picking off the guys on the edge of the area.

When the path is clear I make my way inside the farmhouse. I have to find Peter so we can end this. Derek is making his way as well. I make sure I keep my distance. He wouldn't recognize me right now and if we make it through this, we are going to have a hell of a time bringing him back.

I hear gunfire and growling outside.

The calvary is here.

I smile.

We do this together as a family.

Inside the farmhouse, I see him, sitting on a throne made of bales of hay.

"Hmm...Argent, wasn't expecting you to be the first." He says smiling.

"Peter this is over," I say with as much venom as I can muster.

"Oh, I agree with you Argent. At least this is over for you." He says.

I feel the warmth of the bullets hit me, then the pain comes.

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