When A Winchester Calls

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Derek POV

I hated leaving Chris, but I had to go home. Splitting my time between Chris and my family was annoying, but I loved them both. Wait...backtrack...I did not just think that, did I?

Oh fuck...

Well, I guess I really do fall quick. This is a nightmare. I don't even know if Chris wants to make this a thing. I need to go for a run, I am overthinking everything.

The drive home ended quickly and I was trying to collect my thoughts before going in.

Scott and Stiles were sitting on the porch talking and glancing at the car.

Fuck, I need to get out soon or they were surely going to worry.

I know I won't make it into the house without spilling my guts. I can't lie to them and I mean they already know about the daddy Argent situation.

I take a deep breath and head over to them.

"Derekkkkkkkk!" Stiles yells as he runs to hug me.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Scott asks, I know he can smell my nerves.

I put my bag on the porch steps and sit next to them.

"Hey, guys," I say trying to figure out what I was going to tell them.

They both are staring at me and several painful moments go by until Stiles pipes up.

"So big bro are you going to spill the beans about a certain daddy?"

I laugh. Stiles forever the joker.

"I mean, things are happening, I can't put a label on it, but he definitely has feelings for me," I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Well damn. You know how to woo the men." Stiles says.

"Stiles, you are so stupid," I say as I slap him playfully on the arm.

"So, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell the parents?" Scott asks.

"To be honest I don't plan on doing anything at the moment. I do not even know what this is and I need to find that out first before I go talking about it to everyone. I've only shared with you guys because you know what's been going on. Also, if you say anything to anyone, I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth!" I say sternly.

Stiles nods at me as Scott says "You know we won't say anything. We just want you happy."

They both pull me into a tight hug. We fight sometimes but it's nice to know my brothers got my back.

Before we head inside, I pull Scott back for a minute, "Hey I hate to put you in this situation, but Allison doesn't know yet and I really don't know how to tell her. I was hoping maybe you could kind of charm it to her." I say fidgeting.

"Derek, damn you are putting me in a weird situation," Scott says.

"Dude, I know it's just I don't know how to even begin it, but look I need to talk to Chris before you do to make sure he is ok with it. I just wanted to mention it so you could get prepared." I say.

"Ok, I guess just let me know." He says winking at me as we head into the house.

Mom and Dad are at work so I head up to my bedroom. I let myself fall onto my bed. I smile to myself.

I check my phone, and to my surprise, I have a couple of missed texts.

Chris: Hey just wanted to make sure you made it home, ok? I know that's stupid with you being a wolf and all but just humor me. Text me when you get this.

Derek: Hey, I made it home. I was just chatting with the bros. Appreciate your concern, it's kind of cute.

Chris: I am not the cute one, you are and shit do I need to be worried about your brothers?

Derek: Nah, they support me as long as I am happy, and our secret is safe. I'll call you after my run?

Chris: Ok. I'll be waiting.

Sometimes his assertiveness gets me all hot and bothered. Yup, definitely time for a run.

Chris POV

After breakfast, Derek decided to go home, which I didn't like too much, but we all have lives and can't live in this do whatever we want fantasy. So, after he left Isaac and I caught up, he told me about his new boyfriend Liam, and of course, I did the dad move and ask him when he was going to invite him over so I could clean my gun in front of him.

"Dad, you do know I am a werewolf right like I think I'll be ok," Isaac says smiling.

"Hey wolf or not you are my son, and I am allowed to be overprotective," I say.

"I know, I know. So, you going to tell me about Derek?" Isaac asks.

I look around and see Allison in the living room. "Yeah, when it's just you and me. I don't know how Allison is going to react." I say.

"I am sure she will be happy for you. I mean maybe not in the beginning but I feel like people will understand eventually." Isaac says.

I still had this uneasy feeling in my stomach, I know he's right, but I don't think my side of the family will understand this.

I head out to the back porch and text Derek, really just to make sure he made it home ok.

He eventually says he will call me after his run and that his brothers know about us. I have mixed feelings about it. I just do not know what this even is and the more people know, the more people have opinions. I do not even know for the life of me how this is even going to work. I feel a bit defeated. I feel guilty for my feelings. I also feel happy and excited. I felt like laughing and crying at the same time.

God, when did this get so complicated?

My phone rings.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey, bro." A man says.

Shit...just what I need, it's my brother Dean.   

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