The Wolfs out of the Bag

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Chris POV

We make it to the hospital, Isaac and Scott support Derek's weight as we enter the emergency wing.

I reach the desk and ask for Melissa. They take Derek back and my heart is in my throat.

Melissa comes running down the hall, she can see us all covered in blood.

"Argent, what happened?" She asks me.

I tell her the events of the night. I don't tell her who the hunters were, I was afraid she wouldn't let me see Derek if I did.

I can see the worry lines set in on her face as she takes us to a waiting room and heads off to tend to Derek.

I can't sit, I am full of adrenaline and anxiety. I start pacing.

I hate waiting. I need to know he's ok.

Allison, Isaac and Scott, all pull me into a group hug and that's when those emotions well up.

I couldn't hold it in, as much as I tried.

The tears came and we all were crying by the end of it.

The realization of having that moody werewolf in my life hit me so hard.

It took me quite a while to compose myself, when I finally did, exhaustion took over and I was dozing in one of the waiting room chairs. I wouldn't let myself fully fall asleep, but I needed to rest my eyes. As I sat there with my eyes closed, I caught a bit of the kid's conversation.

"Why is he so upset? I mean we are all upset, but I haven't seen him this upset since, well you know." Allison says.

Scott and Isaac look at each other.

"It's kind of a sensitive subject between Derek and your father. You should really talk to him, but I know you won't wait. Derek did ask me to kind of tell you so I guess I can." Scott says.

He sits down next to Alison and takes her hand.

"You need to promise me that you will not get too upset, at least until Derek is ok and can defend himself," Scott says seriousness written on his face.

She nods at Scott.

"So, Derek and your father are kind of..." He stops trying to find the words.

Isaac steps in "Look we are trying not to put labels on it. Your father and Derek have both had their share of heartache and pain. Through it all they might have found each other, it's really too early to tell what it is completely, but I do know that they both have feelings for each other and we need to respect them and let them decided what will make them happy."

Alison quietly contemplates what Isaac just said.

I act like I am waking up and decide to go for a walk, I needed a minute before Alison would be asking me questions.

I walk down the hallway; my feet bring me to his room. The door is slightly ajar. I walk in, the nurses and doctors are gone for the moment.

He looks a mess, an IV in his right arm, and bandages are scattered a crossed him.

God, this is my fault, I can feel those emotions welling up inside me again.

I hold his hand and the tears start to fall they trickle down my face and hit the floor.

It's getting hard to stand, I am lost and my emotions are wrecking me like a hurricane. I kneel next to the bed my forehead resting on Derek's hand.

I feel his fingers in my hair, and I hold my breath.

"Chris, hey I am ok." He says in his gruff voice.

I look up at him tears still streaming down my face.

"Oh, honey come here." He says and gestures for me to scoot in next to him.

I obey. I put my head into the crook of his neck. I never cry, not like this. It's like something inside me has broken and I can't hold it in anymore.

He holds me.

Derek's POV

Everything has been a blur. I keep falling asleep and my whole body aches. I remember my mom coming in she was crying and talking about her poor baby. It's been quiet for a while now; I am falling asleep again. I close my eyes, I hear footsteps, and I can smell him. I tense up for a second remembering that smell in the warehouse, but this isn't the same, I know this smell.

I am too tired to open my eyes but I know it's him. He holds my hand and I can hear him crying. It makes my heartache. I am trying to fight the fog in my brain. I need to comfort him.

I speak to him and he snuggles into me.

Too tired to care who sees.

At this moment he feels small and fragile in my arms, he is only human after all.

I am his comfort and I am his protector. He can argue all day about it, but this is the way.

I close my eyes, I can feel his body relax, I know he is exhausted.

I take in this moment, I know it won't be long before it is gone.

I finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

Isaac POV

Scott and Alison are asleep in the waiting room chairs. I decide to stretch my legs and I find Mama Stilinski standing at Derek's room door.

"Hey," I say.

"Issy, honey how are you doing?" She asks stepping away from the door.

"I am ok. What were you looking at?" I ask.

She sighs and wrings her hands a couple of times. "Are Derek and Chris...together?"

I take a deep breath. I wasn't expecting to spill the beans to everyone today.

"It's a bit complicated. I guess the best way to describe it would be not yet. They haven't really had enough time to explore, I think." Isaac says slowly.

"Hmm...I see." She says and pauses a moment.

She grabs my hands and holds them as she says "Issy, I just want Derek to be happy. He has been through many terrible things, things I couldn't save him from, and all I want is him to be happy. I would be weirded out by the age difference, but I am not really surprised Derek is an old soul."

She kisses me on the cheek and says "Keep an eye on my son, if there is anyone, he loves more than me it's you.

She walks down the hall and turns the corner, leaving me surprised and smiling.  


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