More Than Just a Werewolf

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Chris POV

Allison made salad, steak, and mashed potatoes for dinner. I am a simple man and simple things make me happy. Even though I was not hungry I ate what was on my plate. I noticed Derek's plate was hardly touched, which is strange for a werewolf. He seemed out of it tonight. I tried hard not to notice, but I could not help but feel a tiny bit concerned. Most times anger clouded my judgment of Derek, but I have been trying to see him. I have been trying to see him for more than just a werewolf.

I see him walk to the back door; Isaac tries to follow him.

Isaac sits back down, with a pout on his face.

I pat him on the back, and we finish dinner.

It has been about 15 minutes since Derek left the table and I am jonesing for a cigarette.

"Issy, I'll go check on him. Ok?" I speak.

He smiles at me and nods.

I stop before I open the door. I can see Derek, sitting on the railing, one foot dangling and the other one on the railing so he could rest his head on his knee. He is looking up at the stars. If you were to look at this scene with no context, it would have been beautiful, but I am here, and we have history. I walk out onto the deck, aware that I could never sneak upon him.

I decide to talk to him, I mean I told Isaac I would check up on him, hell I even offer him a cigarette which he declines, good boy.

We have our small conversation which I consider a win since we never talk, and I decide that is all I can take now, so I walk back toward the door. I could always feel the sadness radiating from Derek, call it a sixth sense. Part of me wanted to comfort the boy so I decided to tell him that I did not hate him, which is not a lie. I cannot hate Derek, not with how much love Isaac has for him. Content with the words I form I walk back into the house.

"Dad, is he ok?" Allison asks from the kitchen where she and Isaac are doing the dishes.

"Yeah, I think he is ok, he just needed a breather ya know," I say walking toward my bedroom.

I hear Allison call from the kitchen "Don't think I don't smell that cigarette stink coming off of you, and don't think we won't be talking about that hand later."

"Ok, mom," I say as I trudge up the stairs and resign to a nice hot shower.

My hand stings under the hot spray from the showerhead, reminding me of how angry I had felt earlier. I felt stupid for acting out like that, I usually can keep my emotions in check. Lately, I have been having a rough time, which is not helpful for my day job or my night job. I sell and trade guns. I also sell and trade antiques. It can be quite dangerous if you cannot keep your poker face on, especially if you sell to dangerous people.

And then of course at night I hunt, which recently it has been me and Isaac walking around the woods until one of us gets exhausted, that one of us being me. Either way, it does keep me busy. I do not sleep much though and find myself on the deck most nights just smoking and listening to the sounds of the night.

That night I noticed something, someone running around our property. After Victoria passed, we decided to move out of that house and moved a bit out into the country where we could have some privacy.

I grabbed my sniper rifle so I could use the scope.

"Derek," I whispered.

As if he heard me, I could see him transform back into a human. He walked toward me, completely naked.

He waves at me.

"Let me go get you something," I say as I run into the house and grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from my bedroom.

I throw the clothes in his direction and turn around to give him some privacy.

I can hear him walking up the steps.

I turn to him; we are face to face now.

I slap his face lightly; he looks at me bewildered.

"You are so dumb, Derek. I could have shot you!" I yell.

I sit back down, pulling a chair out for Derek. He sits not saying anything.

"Why are you out here so late and of all places to run, why are you running around my backyard?" I ask, my anger dissipating.

He smiles at me.

"Mr. Argent, what are you doing out here this late?"

"Derek, please call me Chris and I think that's none of your business," I say.

His smile fades a bit as he says "I don't sleep much so I go for runs, it helps me clear my head, and sometimes it pushes me to exhaustion so I can get enough sleep to survive. I do not usually run around here; I have been trying to find safer options. It's hard to wolf out at the park, and with all those traps you put around the woods I can't do it there."

An honest answer. I half expected Derek to run away the moment he saw me, but he decided to stay and talk to me. I could give him the same courtesy.

"Yeah, I don't sleep much anymore, since, well you know..." I trail off for a minute, my heart catching in my throat.

Derek puts his hand on my shoulder, it is warm, and it feels nice. I would never tell Derek that.

"Anyway, so yeah I usually get a few hours and then come out here," I say.

Derek removes his hand and sits back in the chair. His dark hair shining in the moonlight. we stare at each other for a moment then we both look off in other directions.

I do not know what has gotten into me today, but I feel like this is the most I have talked to Derek ever. It is nice. Little did I know that this was the start of many nights. 

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