The Beast Within

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Derek's POV

I made it to the hospital and of course, I see Sam and Dean sitting outside of Chris's room. Dean immediately is in my space.

"This is your god damn fault!" He yells as he hits me in the face.

Blood trickles out my nose and I am beyond angry. I can feel myself shifting and with everything that has happened today I'm having a hard time stopping it. My claws are extended, I'm gripping my legs and I can feel the blood running down.

"Dean!" someone yells.

I look up to see Chris standing at the doorway, he looks pale and pained.

"Get out!" He yells, his voice is low but stern.

"This isn't over. Sam let's go." Dean says as he turns to walk toward the exit.

Sam follows him and they leave.

Chris is hanging tight onto the door frame; I can see his knuckles going white from the amount of pressure he had to use to hang on.

It takes me a minute but I snap out of my alpha phase and help Chris back to bed. He looks tired and I want to let him sleep but he demands to know what happened in the hall and at my house. I'm hesitant because I know that I've been losing control easier and I am sure if my mother did not stop me, I would have killed Peter and smiled about it and that scares me especially since I am around humans a lot of my time.

"I left the airport and went home; the house was cold and empty or at least felt that way. Peter was waiting for me. He thought he was a match for me, but I've grown stronger since I saw him last. I am an alpha now, my pack has grown not only with me being the main protector of my family but I also have you, Alison, and Isaac as a pack. The more we grow, the stronger we get. Peter was not expecting this and underestimated me. We fought tooth and nail and I was going to kill him." I say and Chris holds my hands, as they were clawed again.

"What stopped you?" He asks in a whisper.

"My mom. It's her brother and my uncle and I understand family is family, but that doesn't mean I didn't want to." I say, eyes glowing.

"Trust me I get it." He says as he rubs small circles on my hand.

I smile and want to hurry up my explanation so I can just lie next to him and rest.

"My mother escaped the basement just in time to stop me. Your brothers were watching from the road and I know they went after Peter but I don't think they could find him. Stiles was in the basement with mom and my dad was at the police station in a cell unconscious. Isaac showed up about just in time to catch me smoking on the porch." I say smiling.

"You're smoking again and come get in this bed with me." He says frowning at me.

I lay next to him thankful to finally be with him.

"I smoke off and on. It seems to help me in stressful situations." I say into his neck as I snuggle close to him.

"God, I've missed you." He says as he finds my lips.

We share a long kiss.

I pull away.

"You need sleep," I say sensing his excitement.

"Ugh, I know. I can't help what you do to me." He says voice husky and lust-filled.

I smiled.

"Go to sleep old man," I growl.

He smiles at me and gets comfortable.

A half-hour later Chris is asleep and I am sitting in the guest chair reading on my phone. I haven't been sleeping well and with Peter still out there I wasn't going to get much rest anytime soon.

I hear a small knock at the door, Allison and Scott enter the room. I let Allison take my place and take Scott out into the hall to explain the events of the day.

"Fuck, Derek do you think Peter will come to the hospital?" Scott asks.

"Honestly, he wouldn't be that dumb. I know for a fact that Sam and Dean are keeping an eye on the hospital and I'm here. Peter was in pretty bad shape when I saw him last and he will probably need a few days to heal." I say, my eyes glowing.

Scott grabs my hand. "Bro, are you okay?" He asks.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I am very on edge and afraid if I shift again, I am going to lose control." I say.

"Maybe it has to do with Chris being hurt. Let's focus on getting him better and then we can deal with this other situation when there is less stress." He says giving me a hug and I relax in his arms.

Stiles and I were usually mushy together but not me and Scott, this is actually a new development. I think it has to do with the nature of the beast, Scott and I are werewolves and as we were growing up, we definitely had different responsibilities than Stiles. Different things we had to look out for, Stiles was human after all and never needed to worry about losing himself to the beast.

"Derek, you really need to get some rest. I know you are not going to leave the hospital but I am sure one of the nurses can get you a room, Allison and I will keep watch." He says eyeing me cautiously.

I contemplate this offer; I was very exhausted. In my fragile state sleep would be beneficial.

"Ok, but if anything happens, ANYTHING you come get me," I state.

"Yes, of course," Scott says hugging me again.

I explain the situation to a nurse named Ruby and she gets me to the room next to Chris's. I lay on the bed not bothering to move the covers and tried to get some rest. I end up falling into an uneasy sleep, but it was better than no sleep. I dreamed of a red-eyed beast, it was running rampant through the town, killing everything, and everyone. I saw Chris's face, pale, his eyes white. I was the beast and I killed him.  

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