The Loud Silence

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Chris POV

It's been 30 minutes since I hung up with Derek, it's too quiet. I'm getting antsy and wondering what is taking his mom so long to get here. Even with traffic it usually only takes 15 minutes to get from my house to Derek's, which made me think that maybe she was coming from the hospital. If that was the case it could take her a good 45 minutes to get here. She wasn't here yet so I know she did not go on foot. Werewolves could run faster than most cars. The waiting was driving me crazy and the silence outside wasn't helping. I try to call Scott and Alison but it keeps going straight to voicemail. Hoping maybe they just don't have a signal. 

I'm pacing the floor, my arm stinging and worry flooding my mind.

"Fuck, I need to go out there." I think to myself.

The video cameras were no longer working, I am assuming a stray bullet is to blame for that.

I look down at the blood-stained makeshift bandage on my shoulder. I needed to make a decision soon. Where the hell was Melissa?

I'm trying to decide between the shotgun and the pistol, I want to use the shotgun but my shoulder is in no condition to handle the push back or hold it for that matter. I pick the pistol up with my good arm, it's already loaded. I hold my breath and listen. I am met with complete silence, and I hate it. I look at the clock on the wall, it's been an hour since I've talked to Derek. Something has gone wrong; I've got to try to get out of here.

I open the door slowly; I smell blood and it's pitch black. I didn't want to see the carnage I just wanted to get to my car in the driveway. I slowly walk along the wall, changing direction whenever my feet feel resistance. I made it to my car only to remember that I didn't have my keys.

"Fuck it," I whisper as my elbow goes through my passenger side window.

I unlock the car and go to sit on the driver's side. I take note that Dean's car is no longer here as I hotwire my car. It starts up, I whip it into drive and speed towards the hospital. My shoulder throbs as my mind races.

I don't want to go to the hospital, but I've lost a lot of blood and I can't risk leaving this any longer. I hope that Melissa and her family are ok, as soon as I know I wasn't in danger I would find them.

My eyelids were heavy as I parked my car and walked to the emergency entrance. The poor nurse working the sign-in office ran to get a wheelchair as soon as she saw me. At some point, I had started bleeding again, possibly from the movement of my shoulder or the glass shards from the car I wasn't sure which one. I fell into the wheelchair, suddenly aware of how tired I was.

"Don't worry, Mr. Argent we will get you well." I heard the nurse say as I passed out.

Derek's POV

We were landing and my phone was back on. I expected a flood of messages or phone calls and there were none. I looked at my phone in disbelief. Surely my mother would've at least called me to tell me everything was ok, but nothing came through. Isaac saw me staring at my phone, worry on my face.

"Maybe, it's the signal. Let's get off the plane and see if that helps." He says squeezing my arm.

I nod as I grab my bag from the compartment above us, and try to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

We make it outside the airport and I pull out my phone, nothing, just silence.

I dial my mother's phone number and it goes straight to voicemail, I try to call Scott and Stiles as well and it goes straight to voicemail.

"Fuck, Isaac something is wrong," I say.

I'm torn, should I go to the hospital or my home.

Isaac can sense how distraught I am.

"Derek, go to your family, I will check on Dad. As soon as I know anything I will call you." Isaac says.

My stomach clenches. I knew I couldn't be in two places at once so I nodded and watch Isaac run off into the night.

I adjust my backpack and run to my house.

It doesn't take me long to get there, thankful that I was a werewolf and could get to places fast. The house feels cold, no lights were on but all the cars were in the driveway. The air smells sterile and unfamiliar. I walk in the front door, assuming my cover had been blown a while ago. I stop in the doorway, I can see him sitting in the kitchen, he's smiling.

"Derek, long time no see," Peter says.

I can feel my anger rising and I'm trying to keep control.

"Peter," I growl.

"Hmm...I see you've grown up a bit since the last time I saw you. And Argent, Derek I am surprised at you." He says mock hurt in his voice.

I didn't want to play his games, I didn't want to listen to anything coming out of his mouth, I wanted to rip his throat out, but Peter always had some kind of leverage and I knew I had to play if I wanted to know where my family was

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I didn't want to play his games, I didn't want to listen to anything coming out of his mouth, I wanted to rip his throat out, but Peter always had some kind of leverage and I knew I had to play if I wanted to know where my family was.

"Look, what do you fucking want?" I spat at him.

"Straight to the point I see. Look I want nothing from you or your family. I want the Winchester's and Chris dead." He says with a grin on his face.

"Peter, you know damn well that is not going to happen," I growl.

He laughs at me.

"Really? Oh, Alpha in training." He says slowly walking toward me.

He puts his finger on my chest as if to point at my heart, he jabs me with every word.

" me." His eyes glowing red, challenging.

I look him in the eyes and match his glow with my eyes.

"You have no idea what I am capable of," I growl.  


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