Bed and Breakfast

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A\N: This is a sexy chapter, but it is also a cute chapter so give it a chance. Just giving you a fair warning. 

Derek POV

I woke up with Chris draped over my chest, he looked so peaceful sleeping. All his worry lines were smooth, and the hurt and anger he held in his eyes were at rest. I could feel the bond forming between us. A bond between wolf and man was a bit more intense than just regular relationships between two humans. Wolves were intense, they love fiercely, and feel strongly. Also, they fall quickly, or perhaps that is just me, either way, I was already falling for this man. I lay there rubbing circles in his back.

"Mmm...that feels good," Chris says in his husky morning voice.

I chuckle and continue rubbing his back.

He lifts his head and our eyes meet. His eyes so clear, so blue my thoughts are lost.

He smiles at me and slaps my cheek lightly.

"You still with me?" He asks.

I smile and turn away blushing.

He grabs my face "You don't have to hide, you know."

He brings his lips to mine. I let him take control and we continue kissing. My skin burns like fire, I can feel my wolf fighting to take control.

"Der... Are you ok?" His diamond eyes staring into mine.

I turn away "Yeah." I say breathlessly.

"Hey, don't hide from me," Chris says holding my face in his hands.

"I know these eyes only remind you of what a monster I am," I say biting my lip.

"Derek, can't you see that you are beautiful. I don't see you as a monster. I embrace your darkness." He says as he moves to sit on my lap.

I am leaning against the bed frame; he is straddling me. His hands are all over me, it's driving me mad.

"Chris...let me." I try to form words as he runs his tongue down my neck.

I had to take control before my claws were ripping through his sheets.

I swiftly change our position so I am now on top, straddling him.

"Derek, what are you doing?" Chris asks nervousness flashes on his face.

"Chris just let me take care of you," I say as I fumble with the waistband of his sweat pants.

His eyes close as I stroke him with my hands. Nerves and adrenaline are running high.

I suck and bite my way down to his happy trail. His eyes grow wide as he realizes what I am about to do.

He grabs my chin "Derek, you don't have to do that." he says.

"I want to," I say as I take him in my mouth.

The sounds that erupt from this man, make me proud and feel dirty at the same time. Chris is a complete mess in more ways than one.

I finish him off.

The room smells like sex and sweat, no way we could hide this from Isaac that's for sure.

He pulls me up to his chest and we stay holding each other for a while. I can see the walls crumbling. That vulnerable moment after the ecstasy hits, that moment you think no one is watching you. I soak in it. This perfect moment, knowing he is mine and I've gotten to see him, truly see him. It makes my heart sore.

After what seemed like forever Chris breaks the silence, concern written on his face "Are you ok?"

I smile "Yeah, I am good. Things get a bit heightened when I get aroused."

"That was a bit heightened, I thought I was going to need to get new sheets," Chris says laughing.

"Shut up," I say as I press my lips to his smiling ones, of course, he kisses back.

"You know I could help you with this arousal problem." He states.

"As much as I would love that, I do not think that is a good idea. One: Isaac is down the hall, no doubt already aware of this." I gesture to a half-naked Chris. "And two: I do not want to have to buy you a new mattress."

Chris pouts at me which makes me laugh.

"How about to make it up to you, I make you breakfast after we take a shower?" He asks as he strips and heads to the bathroom.

"Wait...did you say we shower?" I ask not believing any of this is happening.

Chris's head pops past the door frame, "Are you coming?

"I mean...not yet," I say as we both laugh.

We mess around and eventually take an actual shower.

Chris gets dressed and brings me my bag. "I'll go start breakfast, don't leave me waiting too long." He warns only half-seriously.

I sit on the toilet lid trying to collect myself. I cannot believe that any of this has happened. I know once I go down those stairs, I have to be normal not fun Derek, but my heart is elated at the moment. At least behind closed doors, I had these moments. I sigh in content as I get dressed and head downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs.

Chris POV

Is this what happiness is? I think as I hum while making breakfast. This is exciting. I cannot believe the things I felt or even the fact that I let Derek see me in such a tender moment. I can't take it back, not that I want to. I don't think I've felt this content in a long time. I wanted to hold on to this like a secret, not because I wanted to hide but because I didn't want anyone to ruin it with their opinions. I had to talk to Derek and see what he thought, but I wanted this to be just mine for now.

"Is that a smile on your face? Wait...are you actually smiling?" Isaac asks leaning against the kitchen island eating an apple.

"Isaac, don't start with me," I say pointing the spatula at him.

We both laugh.

"You know this is a good look for you," Isaac says as he heads to set the table.

"What's a good look for you?" Derek asks as he walks over to me.

"Apparently you are," I say smiling.

He pulls me into a one-armed hug and kisses my temple.

Pretty sure this was the best breakfast I had in a long time.  

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