Old Memories, Old Enemies

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Chris POV

I woke up, something warm was next to me snoring. I smiled to myself. I did not want to move, but the sun coming through the window made me too hot and I needed to pee badly. I kiss Derek on the forehead and head to the bathroom. My shoulder was already throbbing, I hated the sling but I knew I might have to wear it for a few weeks. I catch the bruises that are slowly fading in the mirror. I am a mess. I hear a small knock on the door.

"Everything ok in there?" Derek asks.

I don't answer I just open the door.

Derek is standing there in his underwear, his hair a mess, and sleep still in his eyes.

I smile at him and hug him.

This was easy, it scared me how smoothly things fell into place with him.

And that is how things were for a while

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And that is how things were for a while. The calm before the storm.

I healed, spent my days with my wolf and my children.

Sam and Dean promised they would come back to deal with me, but Bobby had called them for a job and they never disappointed him.

Derek and I split time between my house and his. His parents were understanding, but I don't think they will ever be fully comfortable with our situation.

I think it mainly comes down to three factors: I am human, a hunter, and older.

I get it, I am pretty sure I went through those same feelings when Allison and Scott started dating, but I hope that Derek's parents will trust me and get to a point where I might be somewhat a permanent staple in Derek's life.

Being unable to work, I've been sending Isaac on the jobs that come up and letting Derek go with him, well I guess I should say making Derek go with him. He really is not a fan of leaving me, even though I assure him I can protect myself. Allison has been helping a lot as well, with basically everything.

Tonight, though I find myself in a rare predicament, I am all alone in the house. I let Allison have the weekend with Scott, I think they were planning on going to some cabin in the mountains. Isaac and Derek were in Mexico doing some bodyguard work. Being a merch for hire we took all kinds of jobs.

Being alone was strange for me now, usually, the house is loud, messy, and chaotic. I find myself missing the laughter and watching Isaac and Derek chase each other around the house, while Allison yells at me to do something.

 I find myself missing the laughter and watching Isaac and Derek chase each other around the house, while Allison yells at me to do something

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 I laugh to myself; things have really changed. I remember how this house use to be empty even when people were here. Victoria controlled almost every action that happened in the house. Dinner was always at 5, laundry day was always Sunday, after any job I had to go straight to the shower before she would say hi to me. Allison had a curfew every night. I am not against some sort of order, but I guess it's only now that I am truly seeing how miserable I was.

I wasn't happy, I hadn't been for such a long time. I stayed because it was the right thing to do, I guess that goes for the family business of hunting as well. With Victoria dying, I lost so much, but I also gained a lot of things I didn't know I was missing. I never thought I would be anywhere near where I am right now and it's refreshing and also terrifying.

I put my hand up to take a drag of my cigarette and realize my face is wet, at some point, I started crying. I guess I am getting really emotional in my old age.

I finish my smoke and head back into the house, it's dark, I forgot to hit the lights when I went out to the back porch. I run my hand along the wall and hit the switch, it clicks but nothing happens.

"Damn it," I say to myself.

Did a fuse blow?

I fumble my way to the kitchen. I know we keep a flashlight under the sink. I walk past the fridge and I hear movement behind me. I freeze realizing I am not alone.

Of course, what Derek said would happen is happening. Granted I know that hospital parking lot brawl wouldn't be the last time someone would want to mess with me.

I move past the sink the flashlight was forgotten now as I make my way to the pantry. It wouldn't be my house if I didn't have guns hidden. I'm in the pantry, I'm hearing footsteps above me. I reach the lockbox with a pistol in it, silently thankful I decided to wear my necklace today with the key on it.

I would lie if I didn't say I wasn't nervous, but I know for a fact even hurt I'm a trained killer.

I sneak out of the pantry hearing someone on the stairs. I move silently, barefoot through the kitchen. At the doorway I sneak a look and can see someone coming down the stairs, taking advantage of my hiding place I chance a shot. The figure falls down the stairs and lands in a heap at the bottom. I wait a few minutes, listening and I hear nothing. I walk over to the figure I can see their body rising and falling, they are still alive. I have a feeling that there are more of them but lights would be really helpful right now so I make my way to the basement, gun in hand.

I make it to the fuse box with no problems and hit the switches, I hear the hum from the lights but nothing else. I head back up, my guard still up.

I duck just in time as a knife fly past my ear. I aim my gun and take them out, ok so that's two.

My best bet is to get to the garage where I can scope the place out. After we moved in, I built a security room off of the garage, but it can also be used as a panic room. I would be safest there if I'd have to hide for a bit.

I make my way down the hall, listening, but I hear nothing. I get to the garage door and I hear a click behind me.

"Argent, I don't think you are going to slide your way out of this, this time." Someone says.

I know that voice. This is the worst time, but of course, he would show up now because he would know I was alone.

I turn to see Peter's eyes glowing and teeth showing.

This is going to be a bad night.  


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