So Many Hospital Visits...Is It Time To Pay Rent?

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Derek POV

I woke up on the hospital floor, covers tangled in between my legs, and the pillows were halfway a crossed the room. I was so ready for this whole Peter situation to be done and to get my life back. I feel like I am losing my humanity. It was not just Peter it was also Sam and Dean the way they continue to treat me like an animal. I need to produce a solution to get these unnecessary people out of my town that does not involve murder. I needed Stiles; he was always good at coming up with plans. Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts as my stomach growled. I put the bed back the way I found it, well I tried too and then I headed to see if Scott or Allison wanted me to get them something.

I slowly walk into the room; it is bright, and Chris and Allison are having an exciting chat while Scott plays on his phone in the guest chair. The mood in the room would have been delightful if it were not for the fact that we were in the hospital.

Chris stopped speaking and looked up to catch my gaze, he smiled at me, a stunning, heart-stopping grin. My heart caught in my throat as I smiled back. Sometimes I think about leaving, sometimes I think about all the trouble we have been in and think that he would be better off without me but then moments like these catch me and punch me in the heart and I know I can never leave him, I could never muster up the will power to do that. I soak in the moment holding it for all it's worth and then I ask if anyone is hungry.

"Scott and I can go get some sandwiches from that place you like, dad." Allison pipes up. I can see her eyes on Scott's trying to convey some hidden message. I see Scott think and then he replies "Yeah, that one on sunset St. With them banging meatball subs."

"That sounds great, you already know I want the Italian sub with them cucumbers," Chris says excitedly. "Eww, I don't know how you can eat cucumbers they are gross," I say smiling.

"Any way sour wolf what do you want, Daddy Argent's treat." He says making me blush a bit.

"Two meatball subs with black olives and extra cheese," I say.

Scott and Allison say their goodbyes and head to get lunch.

Later I would have to thank Allison for my soon to be stolen moments with Chris.

I walk over to Chris's bed; he is smiling at me, but I can sense the pain he is in, so I take his hand and pull it away he sighs and then slaps my arm.

"You don't have to do that you know; I appreciate it but sometimes it's the pain that keeps you human." He says.

"But you are human, why would you need a reminder?" I ask lying next to him.

He turns to me, his face serious "Yes, I am human but sometimes I need to remember to feel like one. I need to remember to be careful, to heal, and to remember that I can die. Keeping those feelings in your mind makes you appreciate moments like these more and remember that some fights aren't worth fighting."

I nod and snuggle into him.

Is he saying we should let Peter go?

Peter will not stop, not until Chris is dead, Sam, Dean even me and my family too. Peter was one to never let things go.

My brain was fuzzy, and I was tired of thinking, Chris wrapped his arm around me, and for the first time in a while, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Chris's POV

I knew something was off as soon as Derek walked into the room. I gave him a smile because I love being around him, but he had this bubble around him, I could not explain it, but I knew something was wrong. Derek wanted to see about lunch, and I was thankful Allison volunteered to go out for us. I really wanted some alone time with Derek. Although the time I thought we would spend talking ended up with Derek napping in my arms, not that I was complaining. Allison and Scott came back leaving the sandwiches for us. Allison said she was going to call Sam and Dean and see about getting the house cleaned up and installing some more security measures for when I was able to leave the hospital. I was not too keen on the Sam and Dean part, but I knew they would need help and with Isaac watching over Derek's family I knew they needed all the help they could get. I waited a bit longer and then decided to wake Derek up.

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