chapter 1

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-St. Mungo's Hospital-


When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was the window across me shatter completely. My ears were ringing. Smoke filled my lungs. I was on the ground and I couldn't see much. There was yelling and screaming. Sounds of spells and hexes being thrown.

Something had hit my head. I knew it the moment I touched my skull and found red liquid splattered all over my hands. When I sat up, my shoulder was screaming in agony. I grabbed Grindelwald's wand that was on the floor next to me.

Something must have knocked me out. Or someone.

With a gasp and a wince, I managed to drag myself to my feet just in time to see the hall across from me, completely give away. Everywhere, witches and wizards began to apparate. Death Eaters flooded the halls, apparating everytime another section of the building collapsed. Another explosion.

A hex grazed my ear and I ducked inside a small hospital bedroom. I felt a small sting that immediately followed with a drop of blood falling to the floor beside me. My blood.

There was a small cry from behind me. When I turned, I found a little girl cowering behind a bed, shivering and crying. I wiped my bloodied nose with the back of my hand and army crawled toward her. She didn't look over the age of 7 and the moment she noticed me, she was on hiccups.

"It's okay," I rasped out as I shrugged my coat off and covered her from the smoke and rubble. "I'll get you out of here."

"I w-want my mum." she hiccuped as I wrapped an arm around the little girl. She was small and skinny, her skin a dark brown.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'll get you to safety, and then we'll find your parents, okay? Now tell me, have you ever apparated?"

The little girl shook her head with confusion. I sighed as I used my free arm to move my injured shoulder. A cry of pain escaped my lips, while unintentionally frightening the girl in front of me.

There was another blast from above us. Sand-like rubble began to fall through the cracks in the ceiling.

"Alright, I can't apparate anyway, I might splinch the both of us and injure myself in the process. We have to leave now. Can you do me a favor and grab onto the right side of my arm?"

The little girl nodded her head and latched on to my right arm as tightly as possible. She released another hiccup as I felt her hands trembling while around me. I winced while standing up then heard more cracks of apparition and spells.

Holding the girl as close to me as possible, I walked out dazedly and peered around for the nearest exit. I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember what I was doing here. How did I get here? What was I here for?

"Malfoy! Get out of there!" a voice yelled from behind me. Dazedly, I turned to see Remus Lupin hurling his way towards me, carrying a red-haired woman in his arms. There were tears streaking his face.

There was another crash and I stumbled in my steps and collided with the floor. The little girl let out a scream and hit the ground on her bum. A yell of pain ripped through me as I clutched my injured shoulder. I glanced up to see Lupin mere inches from me before raising his hand to grab my arm.

No. No.

"WAIT!" I yelled as I tore my gaze once more towards the girl who was picking herself up from the ground.

But it was too late.

My insides twisted and the pain in my shoulder increased. I watched the girl fade from my vision as the tears of fear and horror welled up in her eyes. The breath was knocked out of my body as I felt my eyes close under the disapparition.

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