important announcement

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before u read: i typed up this announcement monthssss ago. obviously times have changed. but im still posting this only if people are interested, or else i won't waste my time(: x

hi u guys(:

thank you for reading! if you made it this far (and didn't randomly skip ahead) thank u, thank u, THANK YOU

now onto the topic at hand

book 3, remember? now the purpose of book 3 was sort of to do like a spin off or in other words an alternative universe. it was to introduce reincarnation and continue draco and terra's journey in an alternate life with no war and pain that they went through the past 2 books LOL and instead of what their lives would've been like without Voldemort

i started drafting it and everything but i just wanted to leave it up to you guys because i dont want to ruin what i have here.

and even if i did type up book 3, it would most likely be significantly shorter.

so would you rather i release another bonus chapter and talk about Solaris' life in the future, publish book 3, or leave everything as it is? (if u want book 3 ill post a snippet of the first chapter here)

So there are 3 options^ and YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE. and choose wisely please(:

ill give it about a week or so (maybe more depending on how many people read this) for replies. i know this series isn't that famous so i feel as if i should just leave the tragic tale here and allow you guys to imagine the rest

but we'll see.


and now...


-Terra Zatara-

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed, as always, was my very unattractive, bright pink canopy hanging from my ceiling, waving madly from the wind which was blowing in from my open window. I needed to redecorate my horrid room. Thank goodness, it was the Easter Holidays.

I'd start today—redecorating, that is.

I flung my covers to the side just as Mum burst through my bedroom, a laundry basket on her hip and two pens holding up her hair with a few strands angling her face.

"Terra, dear. Time to wake u—oh you're awake." She lifted a brow at me when I smiled back gleefully. "How in Merlin's name are you already awake?"

"Today's the day," I said while ripping the sheets off my bed. "I'm going to redo my bedroom. I mean look at this." I gestured to the old princess stickers taped to my headboard. "It's embarrassing. Can't imagine ever bringing a boy home." And then I covered my mouth with surprise, forgetting my mother was even in the room.

She shook her head at me, levitating my dirty laundry straight into my basket. "7 years at Ilvermorny and I've never even seen you breathe near a boy. I'm surprised to hear you're even interested in them."

I scoffed with surprise. "Are you implying that you thought I was..."

"A homosexual?" smirked Mum. I blew a puff of air, heat spreading my cheeks.

"Mum, I can assure you that I'm as straight as the skyscrapers of Chicago." I ripped off my sheets and tossed them into her basket before heading for the door. "Merlin," I mocked.

"Whatever you sayyy..." she sung back as I exited with a small smile to myself.

I padded my way to the bathroom door, hovering my fingers over the handle to turn it before a yell echoed, "Impedimenta!"

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