chapter 19

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so sorry for slow updates)): i hope you guys aren't losing interest.
although i DO see your comments and they literally make my day((: plz keep voicing your thoughts bbs

makes me feel bad for any heartbreaks for the future of this book): i don't wanna hurt your feelings but im not gonna stray for my planned ending. love to you all and remember, im writing a third book as well(;




"How is she?" Dromeda asked me. I laid still on the bed next to her, staring up at the ceiling with Teddy between us. Grimmauld Place was much quieter without everyone stomping around like they owned the place. Without Lupin's voice and the Weasley's shouting over each other whenever they visited. I even missed Theo's annoying appearances and Pansy waltzing shortly after, pretending like the two hadn't snogged for the past 2 hours.

It was quite a hit when Aunt Dromeda found out about Lupin. I watched Teddy as she had locked herself away and mourned another loss. And then we both drank Calming Droughts and now we were here. Sitting in silence.

It took me a full five minutes to answer while staring straight ahead. "She remembers me." That's all there was to say. She'd looked at me with that longing, broken expression. Like we'd been lovers in another life but I didn't know. I couldn't return it. I didn't know how to.

"Of course she does."

"But I don't."

"You will."

"What if I don't?" I craned my neck and glanced over Teddy. "What if I never remember? She has my child inside of her and I don't even remember touching her."

I don't know why it stung when I said it. It wasn't supposed to affect me, not like this. But it did. It did when I saw the scars of the Acid Curse to her face that Blaise had told me about, the circles under her eyes, the bruises on her wrists and the feeling of the small bump on her belly. She was a lonely mother-to-be. 17 and alone.

In fact, she was better off with Terence Higgs.

He was tall, blonde and handsome. They looked good together. He wasn't a dick. He never was. Even when he was Captain of the Quidditch team, I had to admit, he was probably the only who didn't attempt to cheat. He was always a competitor in school, at least from the looks of it. He wasn't broken, his brain wasn't tampered with, wasn't forced to the Dark Side nor did he participate in the war.  And he was promised a decent career for his future, to support his future family.

He was perfect for her.

Perhaps I should set them back up because I was anything but.

I hadn't realized Aunt Dromeda hadn't replied to my question. She was studying me from her sitting position. Even in the dim lighting of the room, her gaze was burned into me. She sat up straighter. She looked so much like Bellatrix that I had to remind myself she wasn't.

"I'll make sure she remembers, Draco."

I swallowed and curled onto my side, staring into Teddy's blue hair. I watched the little boy's chest rise and fall and thought about how both his parents were dead before he could even sit up on his own. I was going to take care of him. I knew it. I hadn't told Dromeda yet but I knew I couldn't leave her alone. Not when Teddy has grown so close to me.

A baby. That's what he was. An innocent child.

Like the one in Terra Zatara's womb. The child with my blood. My son.

It's a boy

I stiffened sharply and glanced up at Dromeda's who's eyes were now shut while sitting up. Good. She needed the sleep. She'd gotten absolutely none ever since the battle.

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