chapter 28

367 19 13

hello lovers!! it makes me so so sooo happy to see u guys enjoying and being all excited and commenting and being so sweet about my writing (,:
really, i want to thank you so much

bc whatever reads im getting rn per chapter actually counts as a lot for me. like it makes me so happy i have a whole audience and im not alone and that at least people will see my work and i will have left my mark on some people in case i don't become a cool ass YA author or something in the future LOL

but yah, ty(:

(ps- some new characters are introduced this chapter and they are owned by me if anyone is confused!)




5:31 am

I stared down at the pink cheeked baby who was staring back at me wide awake. He kicked his feet and cooed in greeting. With a shaky sigh, I lifted him from the crib and cradled him to my chest.

I settled in the rocking chair and rubbed circles on his back, rocking back and forth as slow as possible.

"You're my entire life, Solar," I whispered in the darkness. "I wish I could give you the world. The entire solar system." I chuckled down at him.

I bent my neck to observe his eyes. The blue-green silver and the specks of darkness swirling within them. The darkness was always there, prominent on some days more than the other. But his innocent face told me he had good in him. Like his mother.

He opened his mouth and pressed his face into my shoulder, probably hungry. "But I just need to do something first. I need to fix it all so you can live in peace and harmony and not hide forever. So when your mother wakes tomorrow to find an empty space beside her..." I brushed his dark brown hair to the side. "Make sure you go easy on her. She might be a little shaken at first, but she'll be fine. With time."

He released a small baby noise followed by an irritated cry. I hushed him and rocked him to my chest again.

"You know, you really remind me of Teddy. Well, except for the colored hair of course, but I think if you two met, you'd get along quite well. I miss him. I miss holding him. He taught me that..." I took a breath, conjuring a baby bottle from the storage and feeding him so he'd quiet down. "He taught me what it's like to love one of your own." I whispered it quietly. So quiet, that I almost couldn't even hear myself.

I changed his diaper and wrapped his swaddle tight before placing him back in the crib after burping him. I bent low and kissed his head, muttered some (many) protection spells over him, then swept away in the night.

I didn't check on Terra once more, nor did I check on Mother. I'd be back again. I knew I would be. They would see me again so there was no reason for any goodbyes or tears or fights.


In all honesty I didn't think I'd be allowed inside again. They could've switched the enchantments or completely kept me out.

But then after over a month later, I stepped over the line at 19 Grimmauld Place and released a shaky exhale. There was no alarm or anything indicating my arrival. It was simply quiet and cold. Snow covered the floor and my breath was floating in front of me in swirls.

It was snowing softly. The sky was a gloomy grey and the windows of Grimmauld Place were dark.

I knew what was coming. Andromeda would scold me, maybe Blaise would probably punch me and Pansy wouldn't speak to me. The only hope I had was receiving a warm hug from Teddy but even that was debatable. Perhaps the little one had already forgotten me.

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