chapter 23

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i love you guys. ty for commenting(:




I peered over at the boy dozing in the makeshift bed next to the window. His mouth was open, clothes crumpled, but he was sound asleep, probably dreaming.

I was content. Because he was close by where I could see him. Every time I opened my eyes he was there, giving me company, reminding me I'm not alone despite being his stranger. I guess even erasing his memory couldn't really drive us apart. Hah. Fuck you, Lucius Malfoy.

It was the ass crack of dawn when I heard a high pitched baby cry in the distance. There were dozens of babies being born in this hospital, yet this one sounded familiar. Draco didn't rouse and I was glad for it. I leaned forward and peeked out the open door from my room, listening in on the cries and scanning the front desks for Mediwitches taking care of the newborns.

"Is that my baby?" I called out weakly. My legs were numb so I leaned back a little, feeling my thighs wobble from the pressure.

The Mediwitch holding a very small bundle glanced up. She cradled the baby close to her body and rose to her feet, checking what must be the name on the bassinet. "Merlin's beard! Zatara? Yes, it's your baby. My, my. Recognized your own child's cry." She hurried over and smiled at me, gently instructing me on how to hold him. "Why don't you try nursing again?"

I gave a wary nod. Nursing a premature baby? Yeah, not likely, but these witches were adamant. She backed away but I stopped her. "Don't leave me," I whispered. "I don't want to mess this up."

The Mediwitch who went by the name, Linda, almost released a sad expression. "Of course, darling. I was simply grabbing you another cushion. Just hold his head here..." She guided my hand. His light brown hair shone under the lights. I sucked in a breath. He continued to wail while Linda cooed at him. "Okay, excellent. Keep that support, right there. And now..." She nudged my elbow in further, providing me support while keeping the cushion under my arm. I pushed my robes to the side and allowed my swollen breast to spill out, hoping he would latch on.

He didn't.

"Why isn't he?" I cried with frustration. I don't know why I felt so emotional. "Does he not recognize that I'm his mother?" Of course he was just born at 3 am last night but doesn't he recognize my scent? I mean he stayed in my womb for 6 bloody months. Sure, it wasn't 9, but it was still a long time.

He was so tiny. So small that he could barely fit in my palm. But he was strong. I knew it by the sound of his small yet loud wails, and the way he closed his fist, and the energy in his voice. For six months, he was healthy. But I was afraid, afraid they'd take him away and keep somewhere in case he didn't survive. In case I didn't survive. Or perhaps suffered through complications from early birth. Afraid he wasn't fully developed yet. But he was fine. He was here, in my arms and breathing and so, very much alive. I choked on a sob and fought back the fresh tears.

"Darling, it's okay." Linda stroked my hair. "It takes time, not only for prematures but even full-term babies as well. You're doing just fine, in fact you're more than okay. Your baby is healthy and soon he will latch on." She pressed a feather light kiss to my forehead and scooped up the newborn. I felt empty again. "For now, we'll be feeding him. You must rest. Looks like Father over there has had quite the night." Linda snickered at Draco, who's hand had fallen from his stomach to the floor, before heading away with my baby. Our baby.

I watched Draco in silence with a weird sense of deja vu. It was always him who watched me while I slept. In the common room, in the tent, in the safe houses. It felt nice for once to return the favor. And now I know what he meant. I get to sit here and soak up his presence, watch his chest rise and fall beautifully while being at peace. Content for once.

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