chapter 3

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-No POV-


It was the blazing burn on his finger that jolted Draco out of his thoughts. He set his bottle of whiskey down that he had stolen from a cabinet in the kitchen and stood up instantly in the sand outside of the safehouse. The ring told him that his love was at St. Mungo's. It seemed urgent. His ring burned brighter and hotter. Panic flooded him when he spotted Lupin sprinting outside towards him.

"Terra and Tonks," he breathed heavily. Draco didn't even let him finish. He simply let Lupin grab ahold of him as they both apparated to St. Mungo's.

The sight was horrific. Smoke was billowing from the shattered windows, there was screaming in the distance, Healers and Medis running out of the building while others apparated with a loud crack. Draco immediately flew forward for the entrance of the building but Lupin had latched onto the collar of his shirt.

"No!" Lupin yelled. "You cannot go inside. It's too dangerous."

"Really?" Draco screamed. "Do you really think this is the right time for this? You're not responsible for me, Lupin, okay?" Draco added once more before ripping Lupin's hand away and turning to sprint for the entrance.

Lupin followed close behind, ushering people out to the best of his abilities as he ran inside St. Mungo's. Inside was worse. There were bodies on the floor. Some lay in twisted angles moaning and groaning in pain. Others were struck with hexes that Draco barely recognized from what Bellatrix had taught him. Dark magic. It was everywhere.

His eyes searched each and every room wildly looking for his familiar dark haired witch.

"TONKS!" Draco heard Lupin yell in the distance. Draco turned and sprinted for his voice then found Lupin hovered over his red-haired cousin. She was bleeding out from the head, and it appeared she had been bleeding for a while now. But there was no sign of Terra. Lupin began shaking his wife awake but her head simply lolled to the other side.

Draco turned from the room and dodged a few hexes by throwing a few spells of his own. Turning a corner, his breath was knocked out of his lungs when he saw the familiar wrist of his lover dangling from a bed. A small woman was dragging it quick for the exit. When he glanced closer, he could barely make out the shackles around Terra's hand. His Terra.

He opened his mouth to scream her name and bolt for her but was stopped short as a hex collided with his chest sending him reeling backwards. Draco began coughing through the smoke then glanced up to be met with his father's blazing eyes. He stumbled to his feet eyeing the Death Eater who had ripped off his mask.

"Father," he muttered through gritted teeth. "Are you really going to kill your own son?"

"You betrayed me, Draco," Lucius growled while taking a step closer. Draco stumbled back in fear, his back colliding with the wall. He glanced past his father to see that Terra and the woman had vanished. Anger burned inside of him. Without so much as another glance he began to bolt for the exit again but his father was quicker. He grabbed Draco roughly by the shoulders and shoved him backwards. Draco's head collided with the wall with a rough crack. "YOU'RE PLAYING WITH FIRE GOING AFTER THAT GIRL."

"I DON'T CARE." Draco yelled back. He grasped his wand and pointed it at his father. "I don't care if I have to fight you to get to her."

Lucius chuckled with amusement. "You're making a mistake. Go home. I only spare you because of Narcissa. You are not my son anymore."

With anger, Draco shakily threw a spell which went flying way over Lucius' head. He had missed. He had missed and it was all because of his own fear. Lucius laughed again yelling an Expelliarmus as he cornered his son against the wall, raising his wand against Draco's throat.

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