chapter 9

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"You're showing," said Mercutio as I gazed at myself in the mirror. I pulled the black robes closer to my tummy and placed my hands over it. He was right. I was showing. I almost choked on tears but Mercutio was smiling.

"Barely." I chuckled half-heartedly and sat down on the floor across the mirror. "How stupid of me to forget the Contraceptive Charm. This baby wouldn't have had to suffer." I placed my chin on my knees and began tracing Draco's name on the mirror, absentmindedly.

Mercutio ignored me. "Ready to practice? You can't say you haven't improved."

"I don't-I don't want to harm the baby," I whispered. I hadn't practiced in a long time but Umbridge was out today, and this was the perfect time. I was finally able to walk around again without feeling dizzy.

"How about we take a stroll? You must need the exercise."

So we paced the castle, slow, careful steps. I didn't take the stairs too much. It reminded me of Hogwarts and I wondered if Voldemort had chosen this place on purpose, to mock me? No. He didn't care about me enough to go to such lengths. I almost laughed to myself. But he did kill two people just to hide me here.

That wasn't caring. That was psychotic.

Oh how blessed I am to be me.

How is it that I even managed to walk about these marble floors, still standing, still alive when I've lost everyone I've ever loved? How is it that I haven't completely lost my mind? How is it that I managed to conjure a Patronus, when all I've ever felt the past few years was utter sadness and heartbreak?

I pulled the black hood of my cloak up over my head, feeling consumed by the cloth. My hands trembled and Mercutio would accidentally hold out a hand before pulling away and realizing he couldn't.

"Just a kid." I heard him mutter to himself one night. I was awake, but my eyes were closed. "She's just a child." He had whispered again before exiting the room. I cried in bed that night. For Mercutio. Because his death was so untimely, he was young as well, and probably wanted to start a family. And then I remembered how I was also doing this to help him reach peace.

Somehow, we ended up in front of the Diadem again. I stared at it, it's blue jewels twinkling at me from within the case. I reached over but stopped when my hand pressed against the enchantments. Dark, dark magic surrounded it. I couldn't breathe. I stepped backwards. That was a part of his soul. If only I had the power to smash it. Destroy it.

"I know you can conjure that Patronus, Miss Zatara." Mercutio was also eyeing the Diadem. "So we can destroy this thing."

"Alright." I nodded and Mercutio's eyes brightened. "Let's try this again."


"Hey! Hey. Pssst, hey! Aren't you the girl with amnesia or whatever? Or at least those are the rumors."

"Hey! What's your name?"

"Everyone already knows me, but since you're new I'll still introduce myself. I'm Draco Malfoy."

"What are you? Like mute as well?"

"So you're not going to tell me your name are you?"

"Why the hell do you wanna know so bad? It's not your concern. I don't remember my name, and that's that."

"Interesting, an American girl with anger issues randomly storms into our school, claiming she doesn't remember her entire life. Sounds a bit fishy if you ask me."

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