chapter 14

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hello! i usually update pretty quick but finals have kept me busy i can't believe im nearly done with my first year of college ahhhh🥲

on another note, plz leave comments im starting to feel kinda lonely here and i feel like my reads are just going down 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
i see some of you guys reading but id also love the feedback (just plz be nice bc im sensitive) and also ur thoughts throughout the chapter
i love talking to yall okie?(:

thank u all for reading mwahhh

i've also begun drafting book 3 even tho idk how many people will read. hehehe so its in the works atm




So this was her house.

I stared up at the medium sized building in its muggle neighborhood. There was a red muggle automobile sitting in the front. Of course, someone else must have lived here by now. Next to me, Potter shifted on his feet, muttering something about how his Uncle's home was a similar size and then I remember he was raised by a muggle family.

It hadn't been easy, but we managed to find their house after some digging. We'd found the cemetery first, discovering her grandparents' grave. The dead flowers and items placed on the stone had led us here. At the house. And I knew it used to be hers.

"Interested in the house?" came a female voice.

We turned to see a girl, around our age, standing there with a small dog on a leash. Her blonde hair cascaded down to her waist and there was a confused grin on her lips. Her tiny dog cocked its head at us. A puppy, I concluded.

"Because it's not for sale."

"We see that," I answered casually before taking a step toward her. " any chance-"

"Malfoy," warned Potter. I shrugged him off and watched the American girl raise her eyebrows as if daring me to ask. She scanned me top to bottom, a small smile flitting on her lips.

"Are you guys British? That's so cool." But there was a weird sort of look on her face as she suddenly stared off in the distance. I couldn't quite place it until she said, "I had a friend who moved to the UK."

Potter exchanged a look with me. "Really?" I took another step forward. "How long have you lived here?"

"My whole life," the girl chuckled. "I live next door. I'm moving out this fall though for college."

I assumed 'college' was another form of muggle school. I took another step closer and her puppy began sniffing at my feet.

"So you must know."

I cleared my throat turning back to Potter and murmuring about Obliviating her later, not waiting for a response in return. He released a sigh and took a step back.

"Know what?" the girl asked. She pulled the leash of her dog back. It was gold.

"Oh, my apologies. Did you know of a woman named Cherry Zatara? We reckon she lived here."

Her eyes brightened but then grew sad. "Yes! Her daughter and I were best friends. They're the ones who moved to the UK, though. Haven't heard from them since."

"Do you have any idea where?" I pushed.

She shrugged. "London. From what my mom told me."

I turned around, flashing my eyes at Potter. He gave a curt nod.

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