chapter 31

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"Do you ever get the feeling that we'll make it?"

I propped my head up on my hand, taking in her words. "Do I ever get the feeling we'll make it?" I repeated. "Why would I get the feeling when I already know we will?"

She smiled down at the papers scattered before her. "No, I mean like...we get your memories, we kill Voldemort and..."

"And then what?"

"That's the thing." She gave me a sideways glance. "Then what?"

I stared ahead. And then what? We live happily ever after right? "Well what is it that you want for your future, Zatara?"

"You. You and Solaris. But that's...I don't know. What happens after? Like I want to know, I need to know. I'm afraid that...I'm afraid that when this is all'll hit me. That afterwards I'll simply be left with everything I went through. The chase, the fight, the deaths. It'll always be there."

I stared at her third cup of coffee and waved my wand to cast it towards me. "I think that's enough caffeine for you."

"I'm serious!" She dragged out the 's' in a tiresome yet over-energized manner. "If we survive, what then? Do you think we should plan it out?"

"What? Our future?" I flopped on my stomach, dangling my hand off the side of the bed. "Pippy!" The elf popped in front of me in seconds.


"Fetch Miss Zatara some Draught of Peace will you?"


"Please Pippy?"

"Er—" He dipped his head for a nod of approval from Terra but she simply shook her head and gestured for him to leave.

"We need to take him back as soon as possible," she clipped. "Or he'll be glued to us the rest of our travel."

"So this has become our travel now, has it?"

"Draco, we're not going to have this conversation again." She shot me a cold glare before returning her gaze to the book in front of her. She squinted her eyes, rubbing at them a few times before staring back up at me.

I moved towards her. "What is it?"

"My eyes...they're...lately I haven't been able to see very well."

"Strange. We need to get your eyes checked then."

"My mother told me I used to wear glasses for a short amount of time. And then...suddenly my bad eyesight was cleared."

I knitted my brows together in wonder. Maybe it took magic, maybe she grew out of it. There were so many things we didn't know.

"Here." I pointed my wand at the cup of coffee and transfigured it into a magnifying glass. "This might help your aging eyes."

She arched her brow at me before snatching it up. I grasped her elbow and stopped her.


She turned.

"We'll figure it out, okay? Don't worry."

She flicked her gaze to my lips for a moment before slowly nodding. "Yeah. I guess we will."

"Does that say Borage? Where the fuck are we going to find that? Isn't it a rare herb? Same with the Galanthus Nivalis...and Nettle. Your mother must've scoured for months."

"Look, look! There's Sage. That's one of the key ingredients in a regular Memory Potion. Andromeda told me she would use it in yours."

"I'm sure Professor Sprout has plenty of that."

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