chapter 11

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woah double updateeee👀
i totally haven't been writing all day


also a little warning: this chapter is a little gory, and sad): i apologize in advance.

i also love fan art !!



So Umbridge was dead.

No, I hadn't killed her.

She'd been Crucio'd in front of me, writhing and screaming and twitching. It was sick really because he had killed her awfully slow, in front of me, so I could watch, and be traumatized for the remainder of my life in this hell hole. I didn't want to go into specifics, but he had banished half her clothing and slammed her many times along the marble floor, closing her airways. And then he fed her to Nagini. A feast, he had called it. Because she had failed her job. She had failed at taking care of me and failed at keeping watch over me.

I sat frozen, strapped to my chair, watching her blood pour out as stench filled my nose. She was bitten in half, apparently too round and large to be eaten hole. Nagini wasn't that hungry today.

I sucked in a breath of air to keep from smelling the gore and counted down in my head. I released the breath I was holding in then repeated. Over and over and over again while I resisted the urge to cry.

Just kill me. I wanted to say. I don't want to live anymore.

"Now, child." Voldemort stepped over the blood, trailing towards me. Umbridge's eyes were open. I trembled and looked away. My wrists were bound and I felt the rope cutting my skin.

"I see you've discovered how to use magic without a wand. How foolish of me to forget." He waved his elder wand and in a flash I felt the magic sizzle from my fingertips. Suppressed. I gulped, shoving down the tears. I wasn't afraid of him. I wasn't.

Lucius stood off the side, smirking and twirling his wand with large dark circles beneath his eyes and an ugly grey stubble. This is the man Narcissa was in love with?

Voldemort reached out a monstrous, skeletal looking hand and ripped the hood down from my head. I always wore it, as a ways of feeling safer. Now I felt cold and exposed, the wind grazing the back of my neck.

In a swift movement, he tapped his wand against my neck and whispered, "Fuego."

A scream rippled through me. Bubbles of acid crawled up the outside of my throat reaching up to the right side of my face. I screamed and screamed, praying for it not to reach my eyes. Would it blind me? Was it going to skin me alive? He smiled.


My eyes snapped open and an elderly woman was shoved forward. She fell to her knees with a cry, head bent low, hands and arms she had also been Crucio'd.

"Time to put your skills to test."

The acid was on my cheekbones now. I was thrashing in my seat, I couldn't even release a sound from crying anymore. I couldn't breathe. The acid continued to crawl, to burn, to sizzle into my skin in bubbles. My entire body had gone rigid with shock. I swore I could see blood, red, everywhere.

He silenced me so only my mouth was open in excruciating pain.


She was next to me in seconds, and before the bubbles of acid could reach my eyes she stopped it and began healing. From the corner of my eye all the way down my neck. I felt my silent screams stop and I stared at the woman who focused on healing me, avoiding my gaze. My head lolled to the side. She placed a healing paste on my neck and began spreading it upwards. I remained still and she casted a cataplasma, to gently tend to my body that had gone into shock.

captive | d.m.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora