chapter 22

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sometimes its very difficult to write bc i have to put myself in a mental state thats very sad just to write this story but thankfully i just finished a book so i channeled all that post book depression into this chapter.

i see quite a few of you reading and i wish more of you commented(,: it brings me more motivation bc i really do love this story. its so tragic and sad and i hope you guys feel all the bittersweet emotions i feel while writing this.




Draco scrambled to his feet, nearly knocking over the table in the process. He was at my side in seconds, clutching my hand and bending down to meet my eyes as I closed them in agony.


"I-I don't know what's going on, it's just pain, I feel pain—ah!" I gripped his hand back tighter. "I need to go to the-"

He scooped me up bridal style, rushing over to the fireplace while grabbing some Floo powder. "Hospital Wing." He dropped it and suddenly a commotion began.

I closed my eyes, laying against his chest while I felt him running, steps pounding as he screamed for help. I felt his collar crinkle under my grip as a groan fell from my lips. Something felt wet. It was pouring, oozing out down below.

"What happened!"

"Bring her over here!"

"We might need to take her to St. Mungo's."

"Merlin, she's bleeding!"

And suddenly I was being placed on an empty bed, catching sight of Draco's bloody arms within the blurriness of my eyes. I croaked his name and he stiffened, turning to the side to furiously speak with a Medi in brown robes. Someone walked over and pushed him backwards by the chest, creating distance between us. He fought against it, anger blazed in his expression. I reached out a hand.

No. No I can't lose you again.

The pain came again and a scream fell from my own mouth. He snapped his head back to me and uttered my name with pure concern. Concern for me or for the baby? Another hand yanked him backwards. Someone else was running to my side mumbling if it was okay to stun me while pregnant. Another voice affirmed it was.

And then the world went dark.


7 hours.

7 Fucking hours had passed since I last saw her. Writhing and screaming and dripping with blood.

I can still hear her voice in my ears. When I was carrying her, she was breathing my name. She was pleading for me not to go.

Not again, she'd said. Please, not again.

I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my head in my knees at St. Mungo's. My shirt and trousers were still stained with some of her dried up blood from earlier. Although I'd Scourgified my hands for hygiene reasons, I hadn't really transfigured my clothes yet.

Blaise sidled up next to me, dropping a brown bag in my lap while lifting a brow at my stained clothes. "Food."

I moved it away. "Don't want it." I was starving.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "What's the update?"

"The update is nothing. They won't tell me anything. I'm literally the father."

captive | d.m.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon