chapter 34

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this is SO overdue. but ive been stupendously busy. im jk. well, yes and no.

bottom line is, don't worry. im gonna finish this book. ive already had the final chapter written for like the past 2 months now so there's no way im NOT posting it.

if you're still here iloveuuuu(: and im sorry for making it so sad. but i began this book duo when i was in a bad place. it's only fair that i stick to my original plans(: 





We ran. Bolted for the edge of the Dark Forest. Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

The person before me stopped abruptly making me smack my nose into their back. "Ouch. Neville!" I hissed. Terence steadied me by the arm. Neville didn't reply. He was staring up at the sky, at the castle, at the chaos.

If someone were to be standing far, far away, they would've thought it were fireworks. But no. Hogwarts was being stormed once again. There was no protective barriers to stop them this time. The horde of them. Like mosquitos, buzzing to feed on blood. They were destroying our home mercilessly.

Streaks of black smoke lined the sky, shooting into Hogwarts towers and lighting them each on fire. The Astronomy tower was being targeted the most. Screams filled the air. It was happening again. Another battle in the same place. But worse.

We ran further up, whispering protective enchantments and sprinting up the pathway before Pansy suddenly stopped, sunk to the ground, covered her ears and screamed. A blood curdling scream that shook me from my skin to my core as invisible spiders crawled up my spine.

Everyone froze. Even Terence, who had barely spoken a word since we'd left abruptly. He was shaking, but he was okay. I hadn't gotten time to ask anyways.

"Pansy!" I lent next to her as she began to shiver in cold sweat, glancing around her wildly.

And then ever so slowly, a snake-like voice slithered its way into our ears. It was cold and faint, but loud and deafening.

A whisper. "Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched."

My blood ran cold. My head felt faint. The whispering continued but I couldn't hear it anymore. My feet carried me. I marched up further, practically bolted for the doors.

"We did this," Neville breathed from behind, jogging up behind me with fear laced in his voice. "We made them attack Hogwarts."

"No. They were going to attack Hogwarts anyways Neville," George whispered.

"Yes but. We failed. We were supposed to kill him! And we didn't. Now Harry's gonna die." He dragged the bloodied sword of Gryffindor behind him as it scraped along the ground.

"He won't." I tossed a look behind me to see Pansy vanish with Apparition at the last second. Good. It's better she stay safe than to follow us. I tossed another towards Terence who simply kept his head low and stalked forward.

When we made inside to the Great Hall, the devastation was worse than last time. Half the castle was in ruins. Bodies littered the Great Hall. Students, injured fighters, elves, professors.

To my right Padma was sitting with McGonagall, tending to Parvati's injured arm. Slughorn was administering Healing Potions alongside Madam Pomfrey who was in tears, blood-stained dress, and frantically screaming to bring her supplies.

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