chapter 24

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I slipped the key off my ankle for the first time since he'd given it to me. I held it out to Draco with trembling hands.

He shook his head. "It's yours," he said. He motioned to the door while Narcissa pressed her lips together in a smile. "Go on," he whispered while Narcissa nodded at me. She slipped her hands around Draco's arm and leaned into her son. It was then I realized that she hadn't seen him since Snape's death. Like me, she'd been under the impression that Draco was dead. But knowing that he wasn't, she couldn't help but smile in this chaos. I felt the same.

I silently did as told and turned the key in the lock, twisted the knob, then pushed the door open. A gust of wind swept around us and I knew then and there that Andromeda was right. She'd set up wards and enchantments so only the three of us could enter.


She tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear, observing my scars that dragged up the side of my face in unattractive strands of burnt skin and hid behind my hair. I shied away, embarrassed that I'd live with the ugliness of it forever, or however longer I even lived. But I always kept it hidden with my hair. So no one could see that one side was darker than other. I feel like that applied to me metaphorically as well.

"You're beautiful, you don't have to hide. They're your battle scars. You wear them proudly because they're an indication that you fought and you survived." Andromeda lifted the corner of her lips into a smile. "Always remember that, Terra."

I nodded, looking down and fiddling with my fingers. She lifted them and turned my palm to face upwards. "Pomfrey needs a sample of your blood to run some tests." She took out her wand, barely giving me time to answer. "Just a prick will do the trick. I'll heal you right away."

Pomfrey didn't need any sample. When I asked her about she simply cocked her head at me. So I dropped it. And then I'd forgotten. Everything had happened so fast.

I didn't realize Andromeda had taken a sample of my blood to ward up the house. The house Draco must've told her about. And that's when I realized why she was sorted in Slytherin. Cunning, clever, and ambitious. Did whatever it took to get what she wanted, even if it was for the sake of others. Draco was quite similar.

-End of Flashback-

The house smelled of fresh paint and wooden floors. At first glance, it looked fairly normal. Like a normal Muggle house with normal furniture and non-magical objects. But then I noticed the staircase change patterns and the people in the picture frames moved. There was no electricity. Everything was fired up through magic.

We scattered, observing the house as Draco settled our belongings inside. I walked up to the first painting. A girl with blonde hair, about my age, peered down at me and it took me a few moments to realize I was staring up at the youthful version of my mother.

I gasped and reached forward. The girl smiled widely at me. She reached up her hand as well and we lined them up against one another, as if our palms were actually touching. When had Draco managed to get a portrait of my mother?

"Hi," I whispered. "You're so beautiful."

The girl grinned again, brows knitting in confusion and sadness when she watched a tear fall from my eye. I steered myself away quickly. I didn't want her to see me cry. I didn't want to be remembered that way.

There were a few more picture frames here and there of people I didn't recognize. I made a mental note to ask Draco about them all later.

The house was spacious. Smaller than the living space Draco was used to but way bigger than the houses I lived in before I lost my memories. There was a kitchen, dining area, breakfast table, family room, living room and what appeared to be a door to a basement.

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