chapter 27

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tw: more...sexual content

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I wondered if it was like this before.

Did I kiss her like I used to? Hold her the same or press myself into her in the way I did before?

I don't know. I don't fucking know, but fuck, it felt good. I wanted her to dig her nails into my shoulder blades again, I wanted to push into her, I wanted to taste every inch of her and savor her slowly. I wanted to fuck her slowly.
I wanted to sit upright and hold her over my lap. I wanted our sweat to mingle and her breath in my mouth. All of it. I wanted all of it.

Rain pattered on the walls outside, dragging me back to reality. The dream...or fantasy of taking her slowly drifted away and the space beside me was empty.

Or had I dreamt that entire night?

"Oh, God. Thank you dear, for last night, really."

"Dom is always ready to help!"

"Okay, and can you do me a favor?" Her voice instantly lowered to a quieter, more muffled sound. I couldn't hear it even if I focused hard enough so I closed my eyes and listened to the rain and the thunder and the smell of water.

Footsteps approached the room again followed by my door closing with a quiet click. The bed dipped, and a girl who's hair smelled like strawberries was curling up into me again, nestling her nose into my chest and exhaling gleefully.

I pecked the top of her head and brushed through her hair and we laid silently like that for a few more minutes. She moved her leg and suddenly her knee was close to my groin and my eyes were widening with embarrassment because this girl was making me hard...without intending.

She lifted her head...amused.

"What?" I stared over her head, pretending not to notice.

"I can feel it."

"Feel what?"

She giggled and crawled on top of me to straddle my hips. I finally took in her face. Tousled bed hair, droopy eyes, soft lips. I pushed her hair back and her smile fell away because her beauty charms had worn off and all her scars were visible. She swiftly rolled off me, apologizing quietly and scrambling for her wand.

"Accio!" I snapped as her wand flew into my fingers. She whipped her head at me with wild eyes, confused and embarrassed as she dropped her hair in her face again. "Don't." I sat up in bed, eyeing her slowly. "Don't you dare cover it."

"You don't understand," she whispered, slightly irritated. "You don't understand that every time I look in the mirror, I'm tied to a fucking chair and there's acid on my face. When I look at it, when I feel anyone look at it, I'm there again, screaming in silence, Draco." She was breathing hard, chest rising in falling with anger but I remained calm.

"Come here." I leaned forward and grasped her wrist, tugging her back on the bed. "I'm sorry." I pressed a kiss in her hair. "But for me it's like a battle scar, like this thing on my wrist." I pulled my arm back to show her the black skeleton and the snake before reaching up to trace her skin. "We made it out, didn't we?"

She blinked and furrowed her brows before uttering, "I love you."

I tensed.

I tensed because I hadn't prepared myself for this moment. I never thought anyone in the world would ever find it in them to say those words to me.

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