chapter 12

323 16 7

tw: rape



"Drink this," Strout mouthed to me. She tilted my head back and I downed the potion without question. For some reason I figured she wasn't going to poison me with loads and loads of hormone potions.

Dolohov watched impatiently tapping his foot ever so often and trailing around my bedroom with boredom.

"Nice place you've got for a prisoner." He snorted. "Maybe your Daddy's got a heart for you somewhere."

Strout shot him a frown but Dolohov was watching me with coal colored eyes. There was a sneer over his lips, left brow lifted and I scrambled to bring the covers to my chest.

He opened the wardrobe and disappeared inside, returning only moments later with some silk undergarments. He lifted the knickers and sniffed. I snapped my head away, resisting the urge to gag and vomit, no longer feeling safe despite under Strout's care.

"That is sick," Strout growled. "Put them away."

"It's been a tedious journey so far, Riddle." He swooped his way around the bed posts and stopped at the foot of my bed, ignoring Strout's glares. I cringed away into my hood, covering the scars from the right side of my face. "I was hoping for some excitement. I'm a little starved from being confined in this space for so long. Although I do make my's not quite enough." His eyes darkened and for some reason I felt the sudden urge to try jumping off the balcony for the second time.

Strout was to her feet, she opened her mouth to speak but Dolohov wasn't finished.

"So if you've completed your treatment, Miss Riddle. I'd like some alone time with you." A devilish smirk shaped over his ashen face. He stepped forward.

"No!" Strout shouted but she was flung backwards, out the door landing on her bum.

My bottom lip trembled. My muscles were too weak to even sit up and help Strout. Strout scrambled to her feet then walked straight into a barrier, blocking her from entering. She banged on it hard, her yells being muffled by the invisible ward.

I used both my hands to push myself up, bunching the blankets close to myself with shaky fingers. I opened and closed my mouth, horror overtaking me as he swung the door closed with the back of his foot.

"Please," came my voice. I didn't even know I was speaking. "Please don't do this. I—I..."

His raised his brows, urging me to continue. "What, you don't think I can fuck you whilst you're pregnant, Riddle? All the more reason to, since I know for sure the child isn't mine."

"Pedophile," I spat, physically so my spit sprayed his face. What was he going to do? He couldn't hurt me, it was against his Dark Lord's orders.

He grinned. "Ah, a fighter. All the more fun."  He pointed his wand at me and a burning headache kicked in.

I wanted to thank him, because my brain was already damaged. Perhaps he would ruin it more. Kill me by accident.

He rounded on me and I began fighting backwards, kicking. Perhaps I can throw something at him but the bedroom was empty. I closed my eyes trying to summon my magic but it was no use. Voldemort's dark magic was more powerful, and it suppressed it.

He pinned my forearms to the bed and I let out an earsplitting scream in his ear, then aimed for his groin with my knee.

But he was quick to cast an Impedimenta and suddenly my actions slowed until Dolohov was hovering above me, his bitter breath fanning my face while he raised his eyebrows up and down with a satisfied smirk.

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