chapter 25

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SO sorry for the late update. ive been so busy honestly and every time i sat down to write at night id instantly get sleepy. if you're here, thank u for being patient(: im nowhere near done writing this book.




"The sun is also a star."

Draco blinked, a thoughtful expression etching onto his face.

"It means light," I added.

He stood, his tall frame leaning over the crib. "Solaris," he breathed, reaching over to graze the newborn. He glanced back up at me at laughed lightly. My heart tugged at my chest. "Okay." He nodded. "Okay."


I brought my mother's portrait to my room and magically propped it on the wall. She grinned at me with crinkles by her eyes and hands clasped together. She was in purple robes and for a moment I saw myself in her. Even though I looked nothing like my mother, I could tell by the way she squared her shoulders and lifted her jaw. I carried her traits, the small ones.

"How did you..." I turned to Draco as he observed the frame with me.

He slid his eyes over to mine. "I wish I remembered," he said as the baby in his arms released a cry. "He's hungry." He placed Solaris in my grasp.

I was shaky with it still. He was so tiny, so small, too fragile for my trembling hands. But Draco guided me to a small recliner and provided me with a cushion to rest my elbow. He began to back away as I unbuttoned my shirt.

"If he doesn't eat, call Dom. She's prepared some bottles of formula for him. I'll be downstairs."

He left before I could ask him to wait. So I slipped my shirt down and coaxed the little boy to latch on. He continued to cry, opening and closing his mouth with hunger while releasing short wails. I hushed him gently and rocked him back and forth. I never thought I'd be 18 and breast feeding. It was a wild and beautiful feeling.

To call myself a mother.

To my surprise, he finally gave in. After a few wails, he managed to start drinking as I stared in absolute awe. I nursed him for as long as the boy could take until he fell asleep with drool down his chin. And then I propped him up as steady as possible but a new fear crept up on me.

"Dom!" I called, afraid the baby was slipping through the fabric. The elf appeared in seconds then held out a supporting hand to hold Solaris' head.

I sighed in thanks then began patting the baby's back while Dom conjured a small rag over my shoulder in case the baby spat up. After what felt like forever, we heard a small burp followed by another. I relaxed and reclined backwards, rubbing his back while Dom stood by my side, waiting to be instructed.

Draco peeked around the corner.

"Come in," I chuckled with absolute relief and sweat on my forehead.

"Did he do it?" he asked eagerly.

I nodded with a cheery smile. "Yes, he finally did." Dom vanished with a crack. "You don't have to leave every time I nurse him, you know."

"I just thought you needed priv-"

"I need you," I said suddenly, catching us both off guard. "Um—I mean—I meant that I need you to be beside me, so we can both learn."

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