chapter 30

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ayoooo 30 chapters!!! 🏆🏆🏆 yayyy. obviously this book is taking wayyy longer to write than the first one BUT im glad you're all still here with me(:

just starting to piece together the ending. hope y'all don't hate me too much or love me too much (i mean ofc ofcourse its a happy ending!! or who knows? maybe its a little bittersweet. or bad, just bad. who knows? we'll see)


ps!!!!!- this is unedited i just really wanted to post bc i like this chapter LOL



The door swung open as if welcomingly. I stuttered to a stop and peered over my shoulder. She moved past me, using an arm to brush me behind her while muttering, "Lumos Maxima!"

I glared at the back of her head as she crossed inside, waving her wand around to get a view of the place. It was fairly normal. Furnished and clean, almost as if it was left untouched.

"Why hadn't I thought of this before?" Terra whispered.

I almost smiled. "This is why you need me." I approached her slowly so our shoulders brushed against one another. "So I can complete your thoughts."

She rolled her eyes and knocked my shoulder back. And for a moment, we just stood there with hiding smiles and fear under our expressions before she pursed her lips and turned away.

"There's nothing here." She circled the living room while I explored the kitchen. "Just furniture."

"We need to dig a little deeper." I headed for the stairs as she hurriedly walked over and beat me to it. I stopped and raised a brow. "What are you doing, Zatara?"

She turned and innocently stared. "What?"

"You keep shoving your way in front of me. Stop."

"I'm not." But before I could respond, she clambered her way up the stairs, holding her wand out in case of danger.

There were 4 bedrooms, small and packed together. Again, all were furnished and appeared untouched. We dug through the drawers and closets, anything with a cabinet, under beds and lounges but everything was completely empty. Seemingly untouched.

It was as if no one had ever lived here at all. The furniture was just for show. An abandoned, furnished house hidden under a charm. Uncanny, but I wasn't surprised. Cherry Zatara was truly a mystery possibly none of us could solve. Intelligence, a mother, a protector. All traits that were passed down to her daughter.

With an exasperated sigh, I made my way to the window of the master bedroom and leaned my head against it, bumping it once or twice before resting it. Another dead end. Another source of losing hope. And here I thought I'd done something, that I'd actually find something. I shut my lids with a short exhale.

A hand placed itself on my shoulder. "Draco."

I didn't reply. I kept my head there, eyes closed as I thought about my next move.

Sending her home.

"You need to go."

With surprise, the hand on my shoulder lifted.

"You need to go back to Solaris," I continued. "He needs you. You're his mother, Terra."

Her hand flew to grab my chin, wrenching my head to the side to look at her. I opened my eyes to view her angry scowl. "I told you. I'm not leaving you, Draco. End of discussion."

captive | d.m.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang