chapter 33

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28 Hours

To my loving son,

I hope you find this one day on your 18th birthday and smile because I want to tell you just how much I loved you, love you, will ALWAYS love you, Solar.

I thought of your name when I was lying bed one night, staring out the window and remembering the Draco constellation. I remembered learning about it in Astronomy class.

The stars. When I saw you, you became one of my own. My star, that is. My sun. And the sun is also a star, correct? Solaris. Your face glowed and every single time I held you, I wished the minutes would tick by slower.

I want you to know, that the sun rises everyday to shine upon the world, and that's what you are to me. That's what you will always be to me.

I met your father at...well, I guess we should skip over that because its quite a confusing journey. I'm hopeful it'll pop up in a textbook someday, maybe.

Our story. It was twisted. We loved, we fell apart, we forgot one another but nothing tore us apart. In fact, you only drew us closer. You were our blessing and we didn't know.

I remember one time while I was nursing you, Draco laid his head in my lap and soon enough fell asleep. Then so did you. My boys. Both of them had fallen asleep in my lap. I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry because I wanted to freeze time. I didn't want it to end.

It's how I hope your future will turn out. With only endless love, freedom, and a beautiful journey through life, away from monsters and hate.

I know that you'll grow up to be strong, just like your father and I were.

Just promise me one thing, never go to the Dark side. Your father and I had to claw our way out of it. I wish I could explain to you how many people I lost through it but you must already know.

Solaris Malfoy-Zatara.

Draco and I love you, immensely, endlessly and forever. Never forget that.


Your loving mother

The quill clattered on the desk. The sky was growing brighter. Sleep was pretty much out of question. Draco had only managed to close his eyes merely 2 hours ago after I made him a cup of tea. I filled the gaps of time by finding some spare parchment and a unused quill from a drawer.

I stared at the letter. The letter that was filled with my loopy handwriting and dry tears. I folded it neatly and pressed a kiss to it before
fitting it safely inside the pockets of my robes.

I dressed myself. The air had been growing warmer, the worst of winter had passed and I had decided to shed my wool coat. Instead, I dressed in plain black, put my hair in a long neat braid and settled myself in boots.

I glanced down at the diamond on my finger, whispering a spell so it wouldn't fall off before dragging my eyes toward a sleeping Draco once more.

By the way, his tea had been mixed in with a Sleeping Potion of my own making. Yes, he wouldn't wake till the late hours of daylight.

With a gulp of air, I managed to kiss his temple once more, dragging my fingers down his face and memorizing him once more.

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