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With the help of ours truly, Kylee, I set up a very...poorly organized field day, not gonna lie. But this is mostly for my amusement, so this whole..."bridesmaid war" doesn't have to be too elaborate.

It was Kylee and I's day off from the salon, and we met at a park near by an elementary school. We carpooled and helped each other set up a table, speaker, and Zo came by with Troye with the intention of filming all the fails (mainly Sooji's).

Troye: You don't mind me judging too?

Me: I don't mind at all. But give me a second to get another chair out of the car.

Zo: Kylee?

Kylee: Yo?

Zo: Here.

As I was pulling an extra chair from my trunk, Zo carefully placed a plastic, silver, Party City crown on her head, then slapped a "Maid on honor" name tag on her light pink v-neck and followed it up with a back hug.

Kylee: *laughing* Ok. Why?

Zo: Because! You're the maid of honor.

Troye: He wants to rub it in Sooji's face.

Me: Sooji wasn't mad when I told her.

Zo: And this became instantly less fun.

Kylee: *laughing* Are you going to be on bridal party?

Zo: No.

Me: Hey, it's only going to be but so big.

Zo: I know. I'm not mad, that's why I'm not participating in this. As long as I see you walk down that aisle I'm good.

From the looks of how fast their cars were going, Peach and Mari raced here...in a school zone, and came out the car arguing over who won. At an appropriate, safe, and calm speed, Sooji came and parked next to my car like she was afraid to scratch it.

All three of them were dressed in workout clothes, earning laughs from the rest of us judges who were dressed in more loose fitting and casual outfits. Hell, Mari had a damn gym bag with her that she tossed at the feet of the judges table.

Me: *laughing* Why do y'all look like that?

Sooji: Like what?

Zo: *laughing* Like you're going to run a marathon.

Mari: Coming from the soccer mom league?

Peach: Deadass. Nari, what the fuck do you need a megaphone for?

Me: *yelling* To do this.

Sooji: Ah!

Mari: Jesus!

Peach: Ugh!

Me: *smiling* Now, since you three are being assholes, phones on the table.

Kylee: First notification has to do three laps around the park.

Zo: *recording* Let's go ladies.

They sighed and put their phones on the table, face up. I had to stop Mari from cheating and flipping her phone on do not disturb. Their phones weren't on the table for thirty seconds before Peach's phone lit up with a notification from Twitter.

Me: *megaphone* GO! GO! GO!

She groaned and started sprinting down the park's jogging trail. Right after Peach had disappeared into the trees, Sooji's phone went off with a text from Si-hyun. She looked at me pleadingly, but I barked at her through the megaphone for her to start running too.

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