Chapter 4: Going Back

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(I'll post what everybody looks like when Wattpad lets me. The song's name is the same as the chapter name [this is completely coincidental, because I put the music here after I published this chapter])

"W-well...this is Glitchtrap..." started William, "and he can control people to do what he wants." Clara, putting dots together, asked, "Is he the reason why you..." she started to trail off.  "...Yes..." responded William after a while. Just then, Charlie, Henry Emily' daughter, suddenly slammed the door open then closed, looking panicked.

"Charlie, what's wrong!!!!???" screeched Elizabeth. Charlie, still out of breathe, panted out, "" The only people that understood that were Izuku, Michael, William, and Glitchtrap, while the others were just trying to get her to say it slower so they could understand her. After the trio who didn't understand calmed down Charlie, she yelled out, "CASSIDY IS COMING AND SHE WANTS REVENGE ON UNCLE WILL!!!" Elizabeth was confused, she didn't know that Cassidy was one of the victims. The only reason why Chris knew this was because he possessed Golden Freddy for a small amount of time until Cassidy came in and basically kicked him out. "Why do they want revenge on daddy, Charlie?" asked Elizabeth. "Doesn't matter," said Izuku, "just help us with keeping dad safe."

Izuku then saw Golden Freddy outside and a soul coming out of it. "Dad...over there," whispered Izuku. "Thanks, Izu," whispered back William. William then went outside, with a knife for some reason, and talked to the soul to leave them alone. The spirit didn't want to, but William promised to do more than she originally going to do, which made Cassidy happy and leave. The soul promised that she would only be back when William was alone. When William went back inside, Izuku said something that surprised everybody:

"I think I want to go back to U.A, to scare them."

(Sorry it's so short, I probably won't be able to post later today)

Izuku Afton but With CrackheadsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя