Chapter 12: HowTheHeckDidIGetSoManyReads

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(The title is 'How The Heck Did I Get So Many Reads.' I also have 100 tabs open, and my iPad hasn't crashed in a long time! I also cut my finger with scissors, and when I did that it hurt like hell. I also almost cussed at school, and you're not allowed to do that. I caught myself last second, it was going to be 'oh shit' but instead it was 'oh shi-' but the people that I sit at the table didn't know this- luckily enough they didn't tell. The reason I almost did cuss was because it was at lunch and I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich [it was either that or crappy school Mac and Cheese] and I forgot I sat with the one kid in my class who's allergic to nuts)

"Deku-kun! How have you been," asked Uraraka. It's been a few days since Izuku came back, and everybody in his class is making sure that he's been okay, well, most people. The only person who isn't is Bakugo, but that's normal. It's almost time to go back to the dorms, in fact, they're walking there right now. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, Uraraka-san," replied Izuku. "Okay, see you later Deku-kun," Uraraka told Izuku before she ran off to her dorm.

Once Izuku was inside his dorm and made sure nobody was going to try talking to him, he called his family. "Do you wanna do a prank on my class tomorrow," asked Izuku, the newfound prankster. William, being the dad he is, and Clara, being the mom she is, went, "What would the prank be?" Michael, Elizabeth, and Chris, on the other hand, just yelled, "YEAH!" Glitchtrap and Vanny, who were also on the call, just went, "Sure, we have nothing better to do." Izuku then explained what they were going to do tomorrow, and he said he's not gonna be a part of it because that would be weird, and that Vanny and Glitchtrap would have to be human.

(Yes, I'm making it so that they're both actual people. Glitchtrap is William's brother, and Vanny is a really close family friend. I'll draw their human forms at one point.... I have no clue when)

 The next day, Izuku barely made it look like he didn't know anything different was going to happen. When it was Aizawa's class, (he's in on this too) he told the class, "Alright, so, we're going to have to have this song playing, and if you sing this song, then you're either close to the Aftons, are dead, or is an Afton." Todoroki, surprisingly, raised his hand, and when Aizawa called on him, asked, "Aren't the Aftons all dead?" Izuku decided to come up with an excuse, and that excuse was him saying, "Well, only Mrs. Afton and C.C were confirmed dead, the rest just went missing." Izuku also decided to say Mrs. Afton and C.C because he knew FNAF, and the names were never confirmed, so he wanted to avoid any possible suspicion. " to you know this, Mido," asked Denki. Izuku, not exactly making up an excuse but still kind of making one, just said, "Well, I'm a big Five Nights at Fredy's fan, and that's where the idea of Aftons popped up." Denki, also being a big FNAF fan, nodded to him, agreeing with him about three things, but one was hidden to everybody but Denki; one being a big FNAF fan, and the second one being interested in FNAF lore, and the hidden one being the good excuse.

Aizawa then played the song, and nobody sang along to it, no matter how tempting it was. Then, right on time, at around 0:49 for the song, Clara showed up and screeched, "It'S bEeN sO lOnG." Then after that, Chris came in (he didn't have the bandages and he didn't have his wings out) and also screeched, "sInCe LaSt I'vE sEeN mY sOn." Then Elizabeth came in and also screeched, "LoSt To ThIs MoNsTeR, tO tHe MaN bEhInD tHe SlAuGhTeR." Everybody who didn't know what was going on had pretty much the same thought going in their head when she sang that, and it was, 'What?!' Not to mention that the Aftons, or what they could only presume to be the Aftons, suddenly teleported in the room and screeched along? Nobody knew how their brains didn't overload. Michael then teleported in there and screeched, "sInCe YoU'vE bEeN gOnE, i'Ve BeEn SiNgInG tHiS sTuPiD sOnG sO i CoUlD pOnDeR." Then Glitchtrap and Vanny teleported in, in there human forms, of course, and also screeched, "tHe SaNiTy Of YoUr MoThEr." Then, some reason, William teleported in, dancing very weirdly with coffee in his hand and toast in his mouth. He put the coffee down and then clapped three times, turned purple, and kept dancing like this:

To that exact music.

-after the Aftons, Glitchtrap, and Vanny left and it was when the school day ended, and Izuku went back to the Aftons, making sure Aizawa knew he was going to spend time with his family over the weekend cause it was Friday-

Izuku walked back in and found his dad still dancing to the music above and the same way. "What the fuck..." muttered Izuku. Izuku just decided that he would spend time with Michael, and went to his room to find Chris, Michael, Goldie (Nightmare Fredbear), and Nightmare sitting/standing around. The quadruple already in there panicked until Chris remembered that he already knew about the nightmares. "It's okay guys, he obviously knows about you." Then Izuku explained why and how he knew about the nightmares to the two nightmares and stuff, and they ended up getting a good conversation with the music above only slightly heard.

(Nightmare and Goldie are gonna also have human forms, but they're still gonna be called Nightmare and Goldie cause I can't do crap with thinking of names)

End of this chapter

(I wanted to get this chapter out cause I'm probably not going to post as much since I-learn is a bitch and makes me stressed and even though writing helps the stress go away, sticking to a schedule will make me even more stressed cause then I'm going to have to have a schedule to stick to. Also, please send me details about any possible mistakes I might've made, and yet again, please send me ships. If you vote twice, only one will count, and if you vote three or kore times your vote's not going to count because I would get spammed with things and I already normally have over ten notifications and I really want to respond to as many as possible. Thank you for reading this chapter!)

Word count: 1111

(A few little videos to laugh at here and so I can keep it saved without actually saving it)

(This next one is longer than the rest but Security Breach memez)

(Poor Glitchtrap and Vanny in the last ones though-)

"CREATOR!!!!!!! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THAT SHIT."  Oh shit, Vanny and Glitchtrap found out- "I'm not gonna kill you, just tell me why you did this." Oh shit, Glitchtrap's mad- "I'm sorry, I just want-" "OH SHUT THE FUCK UP." Did she just interrupt me?!?! "Oh shite, Vanny, run." Oh look, Glitchtrap's helping his assistant! "I GOT A FUCKING KNIFE VANNY AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT BITCH." Long story short, Vanny died. (Again)

New word count: 1239

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