Chapter 6: The First Prank (with William)

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(I don' need sleep, it disappoints me. I'm also pretty much done with Chris's face :3. FnAf also exists in this AU, but nobody actually saw what normal William looks like now, or anybody for that matter, except for the Aftons, and Izuku is a really, REALLY fan of FnAf. He got the games by working and secretly buying the games, and he watched all the videos he could find about it. He even got all of the books. [I only have the survival guide ;-;])

William then glitched out of the bathroom and outside of it, around the corner. Izuku then waited for a few seconds to come out to get ready for William to jump Izuku. When Izuku walked around the corner, William just then jumped Izuku with a knife. William pretended to stab Izuku, but before that happened, William decided to let the staff know that he's here, but hacked the software so that the alarm for the intrusion wouldn't be able to go off, and while he was doing that, William thought it was a good idea to have the teachers know he was there but couldn't alert anybody.

Izuku then walked out of the bathroom, and when he rounded the corner, William 'stabbed' Izuku. William didn't actually stab him anywhere where it could've become lethal, he just stabbed him in the arm, but made it look like to everybody else that he stabbed him 8n the heart with the help of Glitchtrap. Kirishima, who was one of the closest people there in the hallways since it was lunch break, came running up to Izuku to check if he was still 'alive.'

Izuku then randomly opened his eyes and screeched, "BUT I'M STILL ALIVE." (About 1:15 :3)

Everybody was either confused, freaking out, or laughing silently, and the people who were laughing silently were mainly Izuku and William (who were still chuckling, just extremely quiet so that no one could hear), or didn't have anything to do with any of that, so they were just doing what they were originally. There were a few people who felt like they heard that line before, but they couldn't think of anything. 

There were no teachers around, but they were looking through the security cameras. Why the time they got there, William had left, and the students were 'helping' Izuku (Izuku didn't need help, and he didn't even need to go to Recovery Girl) get to Recovery Girl. The teachers (except Aizawa, cause he knew that Izuku is, you know, dead) all had mortified expressions. When Izuku saw them, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Young Midoriya, why are you laughing? You just got STABBED," exclaimed All Might (tell me if you're an All Might hater in the comments if you wanna)

"C-c-*wheeze*cause your *wheezes so hard that he could've made an entire city fall over* YOUR EXPRESSIONS!!!!!!!" (We know who said that) All Might, being the stupid bitch that he is, (I don't like All Might, sorry All Might fans) went, "What do you mean, Young Midoriya, you're bleeding severely and look extremely pale." "I'm only pale *wheeze* because I can't FUCKING BREATHE," everybody around was shocked when they heard this, they haven't ever heard him curse before, "and it was an optical illusion. This is ketchup. He didn't even stab me that hard."

Before the teachers could say anything, Glitchtrap appeared and basically went, "I'm snatching your weave, pesky hooman." Izuku didn't take it well.


"IM TAKING IT FOR SURE NOW ***********************" (really long line of offensive words that I'm too lazy to put out)

Izuku then somehow had knives in his hands.

"You take that back."

"oh SHI-"

And that's how Glitchtrap died

(Kidding, kidding)

How it actually went:

"I kidnap you again."

And Izuku got taken again, while still holding back laughs.


Izuku Afton but With Crackheadsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें