Chapter 8

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Harli's POV

My parents joined the crowd with Ty in time for the third game which we also won. The next game was the semi-finals and then hopefully we'd move on to the finals. Jayden was confident we'd have no problem, but the team we faced was completely new.

Turns out there was no reason to worry. We won and waited to find out who we would be facing in the final. It turned out to be the team we played the year before and I wanted to groan. Tiredness was setting in and I knew it was about to be our most difficult game of the day. 

"I'm tired." I yawned and leaned against Percy, "When are we going to eat?" 

He squeezed my shoulder, "After we get our trophy." Clearly he was pretty confident.

It was an extremely hard fought game and actually went to three sets before a winner was determined. Suddenly all tiredness left my body as we crashed into a group hug to celebrate our three-peat. I could hear my parents cheering from the sideline as we huddled in to take a picture.

I decided to update my fans because they'd been asking me about the tournament all day. As I scrolled through twitter, I noticed pictures of me during the games as well as several of me and the other One Direction boys.

In the group pictures, we all had slight bags under our eyes and sunburned noses, but we looked happy. All of our dimples were prominent and I tweeted it because it was such a good picture.


One more trophy to add to the case, love you guys! #ATeamForever

As soon as I sent it, my mentions flooded with retweets and replies. I laughed as #ATeamForever climbed its way to the number 1 trend. Gosh I love my fans. "Hey, Harli!" I turned up on hearing Louis' voice. 


He gave me a grin, "Can we play against you?" I looked toward my team, who were all dead on our feet. I felt exhaustion wash over me and I had to decline.

"Sorry guys, but usually dinner is when we do my birthday celebration."

He looked disappointed but smiled anyway, "Maybe another time."

"Sure thing, bud."

My family and I walked home with Ty nipping at my heels until I bent down to pick him up. Before bed I realized I'd have to wash him since he was covered in sand. Good thing he's cute.

Harry's POV


I checked the caller I.D. and answered the phone.

"Hey Harry."

"Hey Taylor."

"I don't think we're working out."

My mouth fell open, "You're dumping me on Christmas? You couldn't even wait?"

She sighed, "I just don't think it's going anywhere."

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Alright, guess that makes things easier. Now I don't have to feel like a jerk."

"I've got to go Harry, I'm going out tonight."

I sighed, "See you around."

I hung up and frowned, well that went downhill quickly. Louis came over and immediately picked up on my bad mood, "What's up mate?"

"Taylor dumped me because she didn't think the relationship would go anywhere." 

"Well, now that Haylor is over, you can move to Stackson." 

I chuckled dryly, "Yeah, if she'll even talk to me, I was super awkward." 

He nodded, "Yeah, you were, but it's easily mended."


Harli's POV

The next morning we woke up and I took Ty for a jog around the block before breakfast. Mom had biscuits and leftover ham on the counter when we got in and I grabbed a mug of coffee before sitting down.

Jacob was still sleeping, but Percy was perched at the table reading something on his phone. After a quiet breakfast, I filled up Ty's bowls and went to change into a swimsuit. I was hoping to get a quick swim in before the beach got too crowded. Percy waved distractedly as I left, Ty in tow.

He ran around in the water and I played with him for about 30 minutes before calling him over to lay out with me. Mom said I'd have to train him when it came to the bathroom, but otherwise he was extremely well behaved. Thank God.

Sometimes living alone can be a bit much, and even though I'd never directly said it to my mom she had sensed my loneliness and bought me a companion. It would definitely be easier coming home on hard days when I missed my family.

Ty started to doze off as we laid in the sun and I pulled out a book I'd brought to pass time while getting as much sun as possible. After about an hour, Ty woke back up and Jacob dropped down into the sand next to me, startling both of us. 

"Morning, sis."

"Morning, bro."

"Been busy?"

"Ty likes the ocean."

"I can't believe you named your dog that."

"You and Percy can just get off my back."

"Dude that would be like me naming a puppy Mila."

"Mila Kunis, really?"

"We could get another puppy and name him Ash."

"Wow you're so original, Ashton Kutcher."

"They could have puppies."

"Have you been watching That '70s Show again?"

"That obvious, huh?"

 "You aren't exactly the king of subtle, Jacob."

"Whatever. I brought a frisbee, come toss it with me."

I set the book down and pulled on a pair of shorts again before standing to move away from our towels a bit. Ty took immediate interest in the frisbee as we threw it and began chasing it back and forth between us. Jacob thought it was hilarious.

When we both started to sweat, Jacob raced me to the ocean and I beat him, without cheating I might add. I even had to pause to pull the shorts off. He pouted as Ty came barreling in after us. I splashed Jacob and he gasped dramatically before splashing me back.

It escalated and he was hanging off me when we heard the shouts. I glanced up and saw the One Direction boys standing at shore next to my puppy waving at us. Jacob took the opportunity of my distraction to shove me completely underwater and I resurfaced gasping with my hair in my face.

"I will kill you."

He giggled and ran for safety behind Louis. I followed quickly, sighing as I realized they'd probably want that volleyball match.


Woah it's past 1:00 a.m. and I'm editing like crazy because why not. God bless coffee tomorrow morning.

Gracie :)

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