Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Come on Harry, we have to get to rehearsals!"

I rolled my eyes, "Lou, we're stuck in New York City traffic, we can't move any faster. On top of that, I'm not even driving."

He glared at me before taking a sip of water and turning to face the window. Louis reached up and grabbed the aux cord to plug his phone up. "OH CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!"

We began singing along obnoxiously and I had to remember to tip the driver when we made it to the arena. After about three more songs, we made it and climbed out of the car quickly, running to the entrance.

"Geez, we need to go running more often," Louis said finally catching his breath.

I nodded as we emerged onstage to see the other boys, "What are you doing?"

Niall grinned, "The producer is stuck in traffic!"

Louis walked past me and went to join them as a new song came on Niall's phone. They began singing together and dancing ridiculously while Zayn and Liam filmed in the background.

The song was admittedly quite catchy, so I grabbed Niall's phone to see the artist. It was called My Reality by Harli Jackson, and the name sounded familiar so I googled her.

Tons of pictures of a girl with Justin Bieber and even Cher Lloyd popped up and I couldn't help but think she was hot. I found a cover on YouTube and got ready to watch it, but the producer came flying through the doors before I got the chance.

"Don't test me today, boys, it's been a rough morning."

Niall immediately grabbed his phone and stopped the music before shoving his phone into his pocket. Everyone hustled into place, not wanting to test her patience. 

Harli's POV

I planned to meet Cher for lunch, so as soon as the interview was over, I changed into something more comfortable. Scooter made sure to tell me about another interview soon and I nodded before getting in to a car to get to the restaurant Cher and I agreed on.

She beat me there, and I sat down across from her with a smile.

"How was the interview?"

"It was great, I performed Last Christmas and my fans were so friendly."

At the mention of fans, I glanced up to see two girls staring at us from across the restaurant. "Speaking of fans," Cher said catching my glance. We smiled and they waved shyly before looking away and giggling to themselves.

A waiter came quickly and we ordered immediately. Cher leaned back and sighed, "I honestly just love living here."

I smiled and nodded as my phone went off.


"Hey Li!"

"Hey Percy, what's up?"

"I'm in the city this week for work, am I worthy enough to spend some time with the famous Harli Jackson?"

"I'll have to check my calendar but I think I can pencil you in tomorrow."

"Great see you then, popstar!"

"Bye, Percy!"

Cher looked up from her phone after I hung up. "Percy is your brother right?" I nodded and took a bite from my salad, which had come out while I was on the phone.

We kept conversation light as we ate and talked about stuff we had planned and upcoming surprises. It was fun to catch up and spend some time talking about random topics, where not much thinking was involved.

After paying, we hugged and went our separate ways, me toward another interview.


After makeup touch ups and a quick mic check, I was deemed stage-ready yet again.

"And we're on in 5...4...3...2...1!" I waited eagerly backstage as the host walked out. "Good afternoon! I'm Amanda Carter and today we have Harli Jackson in the studio! Come on out Harli!" I walked out and waved to the cheering crowd.

There was a comfy chair that I plopped down into, "Hi everyone!"

"So Harli, let's get started. What is your full name?"

"Harli Elizabeth Jackson."

"That's a pretty name! Do you have any siblings?"

"Thanks and yes, I have two siblings. I have an older brother named Percy, and a twin brother named Jacob."

"Oh wow, I'd love to have a twin!"

"It wasn't always great; I have to admit."

"I can imagine not, what's your favorite color?"

"My favorite color definitely has to be blue, any shade of blue."

"That's a wide range, what's your favorite song?"

"Oh wow, that's a tough one. I can tell you what songs I listen to the most on my phone," I pulled it out at Amanda's nod.

"I'm really into Ed Sheeran and One Direction right now, but I've been really getting into Twenty One Pilots lately."

"I didn't know you're a 1D fan."

"Well, I like some of their songs."

"You've never met the boys?"

"Nope, I was going to get tickets for the Madison Square Garden show, but Scooter and I began discussing some possible Christmas surprises for the fans, so I lost my opportunity."

"Alright, back to the personal questions, favorite book?"

"I really love Harry Potter; I've read the series so many times."

"You like to read?"

"I do, when I'm on a car trip or traveling on a plane I always have a book."

"We are almost out of time, but when is your next album going to come out?"

"The Christmas one was released recently but my new one is coming out in the spring. My single, My Reality, came out recently as well."

"That's right, and after the commercial break, Harli will be singing My Reality for us."

I enjoyed performing, it gave me a high like no other and big audiences were wonderful, but there was something extra amazing about performing in front of such a small audience. It was more personal and I loved the feeling of closeness.

The music started up and I walked back on stage, ready to go for my second song of the day.


So, this is the first real chapter. I like the way it turned out. Harli has a Christmas surprise. I bet you can guess what it is. Have a lovely day! The song is My Reality by Jordan Pruitt! :)


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