Chapter 22

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Harli's POV

When I woke up, I kept my eyes closed, hoping everything was just a dream. The date was amazing, but running was terrifying. As I slowly came to my senses, I realized that I wasn't in my bed. My hopes sank and I opened one eye before opening the other. Sure enough, I was not in my room.

When I tried to turn, I bumped into Harry who was still sleeping. He was laying on his stomach, face inches from mine when I turned. While the room wasn't exactly nice, it was peaceful, and I relaxed for the first time since I woke up until I heard footsteps pause outside our door. They began walking away before coming back. Someone was pacing outside our room. That person sneezed and I seized up.

"Harry," I whispered, nudging him with my arm.

"Hm, Harli?" He asked sleepily.

I nodded and swallowed harshly, "I think there's someone outside."

"Come here."

I slid into his open arms, and rested my forehead on his shoulder. His breathing was even and steady, and I tried to match mine to his. Harry cupped my cheek and ran a thumb over my cheekbone until I relaxed.

"Now, what's wrong?"

"I heard someone outside."

"I'll keep you safe, I promise. Do you trust me?" I nodded numbly and he smiled pulling me closer to his chest than I thought possible, "Good."

His shirt was soft, and I clutched on tightly. He shifted against me and pushed a thigh between mine. Sunlight filtered through the dingy curtains and fell at an angle across his face. I brought one of my fingers up to trace it, and he closed his eyes with a content hum.

I broke the silence, "I still feel on edge."

Harry pulled the blanket up to my chin, further enveloping us in warmth, "Does this help?"

I nodded and some of the stiffness left my body. The warmth almost melted me, and I went almost boneless against him. He cleared his throat and I felt the vibrations through my whole body. It felt soothing.

"Harry, can you sing for me, or hum or something."

He started the hum a song I didn't recognize and it was easy to get lost in. His Adam's apple moved against my forehead as he sang a few lines sporadically through it. I shut my eyes and was almost back to sleep when he finished.

"Do you want to go back to sleep, Har?"

"No, I want to stay awake with you."

"You can go back to sleep if you want, it's okay. We can leave whenever you're ready, he didn't give me a checkout time."

My eyelids were heavy, but I fought to keep them open. Harry shifted me around and curled up behind me, arms locked around my waist. One of his arms pushed my shirt up, and his fingertips ghosted over the strip of skin. I giggled at the ticklish sensation.

He chuckled, "Be still."

"You're tickling me."

"I can't help it."

I huffed and crossed my arms. His lips were pressed into the back of my neck, and I could feel his smile. His fingers pressed a little harder into my skin and I squirmed again, jerking more violently in his arms. His smile turned to laughter, and I fought his hold to turn and face him completely


"Much, thank you."

We fell silent again and I felt slightly icky as I laid there. My thoughts were drifting from place to place as I bit my thumbnail in frustration. As I laid there with Harry, I felt myself continually squirm. Not only did I feel dirty, but I was stressed and still a little tired.

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