Chapter 10

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Harli's POV

"What do you want to do now?"

Harry shrugged, "It's your house, you tell me."

"Most times I come home, I do make one stop. I haven't been in a while so we can do that."

"Am I dressed okay?"

"I don't think they care."


"You'll see."

Ty jumped up to lick my face when I sat on the floor to put on some shoes. I giggled and pushed him away when he started trying to play with the laces.

"Come on you crazy dog."

"Are you talking to me or Ty?" Harry joked and I laughed.

"I'm talking to the less cute dog."

"See you later, Ty," Harry responded, waving at the puppy.

"Sorry bud, I was talking to you."

When we reached the living room, Mom was sitting on the couch reading a book. She glanced up and did a double take at the sight of Harry. He smiled and waved at her, and she gave me an amused look before waving back.

"Harry and I are going to visit the kids today."

"Tell Sharon I say hi," she responded before focusing back on her book.

Harry followed me to my car where I grabbed my guitar case. When he tried to get in the passenger seat I shook my head, "Let's just walk, the weather is pretty nice."

"Harli, darling of my days, we look very disheveled."

"Harry, light of my life, don't care so much about your image."

He chuckled, "Just trying to look out for you."

This new, not awkward Harry was slightly throwing me off. Part of me wanted to ask about Taylor, but I decided to keep it to myself to not stir up tension. We walked along silently for about five minutes before I saw a girl speed walking toward us out of the corner of my eye.

"Fan at 3 o'clock," I whispered and he nodded.

"Harry Styles?"

We stopped and he smiled at her, "That's me."

"And Harli, wow this is a great day."

I shifted the guitar case in my hand and turned to face her completely, "I'm not sure seeing Harry would constitute a great day, but I know that I'm a good time."

She giggled as Harry's mouth fell open. She stage whispered to me, "I bet he's not in a great mood, Harry boy got dumped."

I snorted and she smiled widely, pleased. Harry looked like he was trying not to laugh, "Ladies, I am right here."

He stepped closer and I put my hand on her arm, "Ignore him, would you like a picture?"

"Is that even a question?"

"Apparently not. Harry," I held the camera out, "please take our picture."

"Why can't I be in it?"

"Boys drool," the girl offered and I gave her a high five. He rolled his eyes but took the picture anyway. She flicked through the pictures and deemed at least one satisfactory. "Oh, I turned 18 recently and I have one request."

Harry ran a hand through his hair and shifted to stand slightly closer to me, "Let's hear it."

"Harry, can you sign my arm?"

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