Chapter 24

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a month and a half later

Harli's POV

After Harry left, we talked every day. Whether it was updates over text or phone calls or facetime, there was always an open line of communication. Lately he had taken to sending me pictures and videos of the boys goofing off while warming up for shows, and I sent him pictures of release party planning. He told me that even though he wasn't sleeping much and constantly on the go, my life was way more stressful than his. We agreed to disagree.

When Jess got back to Chicago, where she lived, she met a guy at a bar and they really hit it off. We did keep in touch, and it came in handy because they started dating, and I commissioned him to do the artwork for my album. She told me he was a graphic designer, and I begged her to ask him for me. In return, I sent them both invitations to the party. They agreed to come if I would pay for their hotel room, and I had no problem with that.

In the meantime, Eleanor had flown down and was staying with me to be my date to the party since Harry most likely wouldn't make it. I was eternally grateful, and told her that she had free reign of the guest room for however long she wanted to stay. She accepted, and helped me plan for about a week before declaring we needed to leave it to the professionals to finish.

Mom, who was a fashion designer, decided that she would be our official designer for the party. After Eleanor saw her portfolio, she agreed, and Mom got to work on designing something for each of us. Both of us had some stipulations, and Mom grumbled a little about picky celebrities, but I knew she would come through.

The theme was green since we planned to release the album on St. Patrick's Day. It wasn't an intentional thing, we picked a date and a few weeks later realized that March 17th isn't just a random day on the calendar. Scooter offered to move it, but that was the earliest we could get it out, and I had a tour date scheduled soon after.

When I told Mom I wanted victory green, she rolled her eyes and told me that using the Dallas Stars' color was not going to make Tyler Seguin appear at my party. I told her I'd gladly take Jamie Benn as a replacement and she hung up on me.

I was lying in bed when the doorbell rang, and I stood up, throwing my hair into a bun. My pajamas weren't the most decent, but I knew it was just my mom, so I didn't really care. Before I could unlock the door, she rang it again and I rolled my eyes at her impatience, "Mom, you have a key."

"I don't have the hands to get a key out, Harli, so be a good daughter and let me in."

Her arms were full of clothing bags and shoe boxes, and I stepped aside to let her in. She brought them to the couch and dropped everything onto it. Eleanor wandered out of the guest bedroom yawning and brightened when she saw my mom, "Good morning, Tara."

"Good morning, Eleanor, I have your dresses for you to try on before you go out today."

Eleanor clapped excitedly, "Which one is mine?"

Mom lifted one bag up and handed it to Eleanor before handing the other to me, "Go try them on so I can see what I need to alter, time is of the essence, ladies."

As expected, Mom managed to make something I loved. I told her so when I left my room, and she smiled proudly while she inspected me. She manhandled me into the center of the room and started tugging, "I think this needs to be taken in a little along the stomach area. But I want you to try on those nude heels in the box closest to us."

The heels made my legs look longer than usual, and Mom looked at me with tears in her eyes, "I'm so proud of you, Har."

"Don't cry, Mom, you'll make me cry."

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