Chapter 11

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Harli's POV

"Okay that was a bit out of context."

"No," Harry interrupted me, looking at the camera straight faced, "Harli and I have been married for several years now, the baby is crying so that's why she told me to go get it."

"As if I would marry you. Honestly, go get my dog, I want to show everyone."

He laughed and stood up to pick up Ty. While he was out of shot, I started trying to read some of the comments. After a minute of reading as fast as I could, I managed to catch one, "Oh someone wants to know what's on the wall behind me. When I was in high school, I wanted to start writing music but I was super dramatic and thought notebooks were cliché, so I got my dad to help me paint the wall with that chalkboard paint so I could use it as a giant board to write lyrics."

Harry sat back down with Ty who stared at the laptop in fascination. I laughed and pulled him into my lap, "This is my new puppy, my parents got him for Christmas."

"His name is Ty," Harry informed them seriously, "named after some hockey player Harli is in love with."

"Okay I already have my brothers on my back, don't follow into their footsteps. Besides, you're just jealous you don't have Tyler Seguin's abs."

"I don't need abs to get by, I have the voice of a god."

"Harry, humility is attractive."

He laughed and reached over to pet Ty, "I've never even seen this Tyler Seguin guy, show me a picture."

Harry grabbed my phone which was on the bed next to me and held it up for me to type my passcode in. When I finished, he googled Tyler Seguin and the first picture that popped up was an old picture from his days in Boston.

"Har, he's a little young for you, don't you think."

"That's an old picture, he's two years older than us."

"Whatever. Har, people want to see some of the lyrics on the wall."

"Oh, I actually used some of them, like up at the top I wrote: 'in a crowd of choices/it's obvious to me/the moral of the story is/that I make my own reality' I remember the day I wrote that, I was sad and kind of tipsy so I stood on my bed and wrote that down. Also, I don't condone underage drinking."

Harry laughed, "Make good decisions."

"Harry, my boy-"

"What happened to light of my life?"

"Lapse of judgment. Anyway, tell us a tour shenanigans story."

Before he started telling the story, he shoved me over a bit, "You're pushing me out of the frame." He draped an arm around my shoulders to get closer and settled in to tell the story.

I scanned the comments while he was talking; there were a few pointing out that I was blushing. Trying to ignore those, I glanced up at him and couldn't help but notice how cute his face was when he was trying not to laugh.

"So anyway, Niall had colored hair for a few days and Liam had to wear pants because only one of his legs was shaved."

I snorted and he smiled down, "What about you, got any major tour shenanigans?"

"Not really. Well, one time I filled the blow dryer my band uses with baby powder which ended up backfiring because we had to start a show late since Kyle had to shower a second time."

"Count on your prank to go wrong."

"I did my best, don't be mean."

"Hey look, these people don't believe we aren't married because of your tweet earlier this month."

"That wasn't my tweet. About two years ago my brother beat me in Uno and this was my forfeit. Honestly I believed they had forgotten about it."

"A forfeit from Uno?"

"We're all so competitive that every game we play has some type of punishment for the person who comes in last place."

"Sounds like you have a gambling problem."

"Lowkey yes. We have at least one bet going on at all times."

"You have one now?"

"Two actually, it's really bad."

He laughed and laid his head on my shoulder, "They want us to sing."

"Nah, not today. I think we should keep today's singing just for the kids, so it's special. And not our kids, I'm talking about kids we visited."

"Hey that girl said we should check twitter."

He pulled it up on his phone and searched a little before finding a picture, "That's where I signed her arm, she got it tattooed, that's so awesome. Oh and the picture she took with you is here too, you look like a mess."

"Okay, whatever, at least I have a high school diploma."

"What did you like about high school?"

"Definitely my psychology classes, it was all so interesting."


"As if you would know, you probably never even took one."

"And I'm still smarter than you."

I decided to ignore his taunt, "Cheering at pep rallies was always fun."

"Pep rallies?"

"Yeah, we had them for home football games, it was to pump everyone up before games. They were all great except the time my stunt group messed up and the flier fell on me and broke my nose."

Harry smirked, "I didn't want to bring up the bump."

I flicked him in the ear, "Hey, I make the bump look good. It was cheaper just to let it heal than to have surgery to fix it."

"It's endearing."

I grinned as he scratched Ty's ears, "I think I'm going to let the dog out to pee, you entertain the audience." He reluctantly moved away and shifted the laptop to face him.


When I got back to the room, Harry was scrolling through his phone, "Hey Har, do you think I could pull of a headband?"

"Maybe, do you want to try one of mine?"


I grabbed one from the bathroom and helped him adjust it to his liking, "Okay wow I wasn't sure but yes, wear headbands."

"With that, let's call it a night?"

"Sure thing, thanks for watching guys!"

He waved and I closed the site. Ty hopped off the bed and went to where his bed was located. I stood and went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked Harry when I walked out and saw him standing with his shoes on.

"Yeah, I'll bring back your brother's clothes too."

"Deal, I'll put that number to use."

He laughed and walked out of my room. I waited to get into bed until I heard the side door open and close. It wasn't long after he left when my phone rang. Scooter's name popped up, and I was a little surprised.


"Hey Li!"

"Hey Scooter, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just saw your livestream with Harry."

"Yeah, we were bored."

"Well, Sugarscape wants an interview with the two of you tomorrow, so you have to cut your vacation a bit short. Both of you."

I sighed, "Alright, what time?"

"9:30 a.m. They asked for a performance, but that's up to the two of you."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow I guess, let me text Harry."

"By Harli."

I sighed and put my phone on the charger before texting Harry. He responded and we decided to meet up and ride together the next morning. It wasn't long before I fell asleep with my phone still in my hand.

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