Chapter 26

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Harry's POV

The cab taking me to the airport was moving quickly, and the lights outside blurred as I stared silently. Harli's words were playing through my head, and I couldn't help but be filled with disappointment at how the night had ended. Definitely different than I had pictured.

The boys had helped me come up with a nice speech that would end in me asking her to be my girlfriend officially, but when she was actually in front of me, I froze. Harli looked so pretty, it was intimidating, and I realized I'd never seen her dressed for a fancy event. Tongue tied was an understatement.

Suddenly, I realize I couldn't leave without some kind of closure. Who knew how long it would be until we saw each other again, and if I didn't do it now, who's to say I'd ever get another chance. I looked up and noticed that we were at the airport, "Turn around."

"What?" The driver looked startled, but I didn't care.

"Turn around and go back. I can't leave yet, I have some unfinished business to take care of."

"I can't sir, I'm under strict orders to get you on this plane as soon as possible."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled the lock open, "I'm sorry about this then."

Before the car fully stopped I threw some money at the driver and was out and running to an open taxi waiting to pick someone up from the airport. The taxi driver jumped at my speedy entrance and I closed the door quickly, "Can you take me to the Atlantic Records studio?"

"It's closed now, son."

"I know, but I think it's where I need to be right now."

He sighed and pulled out, much to my relief. We merged into the traffic trying to leave the airport, and I was prayed I wasn't too late.

Harli's POV

Scooter and I were trapped in the Atlantic Records headquarters while we waited for more security to show. He told me we'd probably be trapped for a while, and I sighed, wishing I had clothes to change into. Thirty minutes in, I started crumpling blank papers, and tried to make as many as possible into the garbage can. I wasn't doing so well.

"Would you like some coffee?"

I looked up at Scooter's question, it was the first time one of us had talked in an hour and a half. With a sigh, I nodded, "Yeah, that would be great."

He stood and went to the break room to get the coffee started. I stayed parked in the spinning chair that, according to the name plate, belonged to an intern. Scooter offered to pull up Netflix on his computer upstairs, but I didn't feel like watching anything.

Suddenly, there was a huge commotion at the front of the building and Scooter came out of the break room with two mugs. I took one and we left the office area to stand in the lobby. We stared at people now shoving at the meager security blocking the doors. One person managed to get through and opened the doors, sprinting inside once they closed behind him.

"You didn't lock the door," I hissed at Scooter and he frowned.

"I thought I did."

I sighed and addressed the runner, "Please don't, just go back outside."

Unfortunately, he didn't, so Scooter and I quickly retreated to the office portion where we could lock the door.

The man finally called out, "Wait, Har."

I knew that voice, "Harry?"

"Yeah, sorry for scaring you again, but I needed to talk to you."

"And a phone call wouldn't suffice?"

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