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Harli's POV

"Today we welcome pop singing sensation, Harli Jackson!"

I heard the interviewer call my name and I stood from the chair I was sitting on backstage. Straightening my jeans and beanie, I grabbed the mic offered to me and walked confidently onto the stage.

The interviewer was seated on a couch and I sat next to her before waving at the people in the crowd, "Hi everyone!"

They cheered loudly and I felt my heart swell. The interviewer waited for the crowd to calm down before welcoming me.

"Harli, it's wonderful to have you here."

"Thank you, it's wonderful to be here."

"Let's get started why don't we, I have a few questions and then I think you're going to sing for us?"

"That's the plan!"

"Awesome, so recently you have released a Christmas album, what kind of songs are on the album?"

"Well, I really love Christmas, I start celebrating it the day after Thanksgiving, and I really wanted to give my fans some upbeat Christmas music to listen to. I don't have any original songs on it, but I put my own spin on the classics."

"That's great! Are you going to release another album with original songs soon?"

"Well, I have been working very hard with my manager and doing some writing, but nothing will be out until probably next spring."

"Something for us all to look forward to then. Some pictures have been seen of you and Cher Lloyd recently, are you two friends?"

"We have both been busy with our music, so it's been a little difficult to hang out a lot, but I definitely consider her a good friend and she's also my inspiration."

"Wow, some people have started comparing you to Cher, how does that make you feel?"

"Well like I said, she's a huge inspiration to me, but on the other hand, we are very different. Still, it's the thought that counts and that makes me very happy."

"Speaking of being happy, is there a special boy in your life right now?"

"No, I've been working so hard on my career, only focusing on my sound and what I want it to be, so I don't really have much time."

"Understandable, but back to your Christmas album, it's topped the charts in many countries, am I correct?"

"Yea, last time I heard it was number 1 in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, and a few small countries."

"Wow, now how did you go from an average girl to a chart topper?"

"I am actually a YouTube kid. I started posting covers really young and one of my Justin Bieber covers went viral. As I started to get older, I got braver and started performing in school talent shows and at local restaurants for extra cash."

"Is that where you got discovered?"

"Yes, one night this guy came up to me and introduced himself as Scooter Braun. I met up with a producer at Atlantic Records and in a fairly short amount of time, they signed me. They let me go on tour with Justin Bieber to get my name out and since then I've been working on my own stuff."

"That's amazing. You're 19 now right?"

"Yep, I turn 20 this month."

"Do you write your own songs?"

"Most of them yes, I have co-written a few with other artists."

"Can you give us any hints?"

"I am just going to say Cher is one but I'll leave the others to be a surprise."

"Great, so are you going to put on a concert anytime soon?"

"That's unconfirmed, so keep checking Twitter!"

"You're from California right?"

"Yes, born and raised."

"Near Los Angeles?"

"I was actually born near Venice Beach, I moved here after the tour with Justin."

"Well I wish you the best with all that's going on."

"Thank you!"

"We're going to take a quick break and when we come back, Harli is going to sing us a Christmas song on her new album."

I stood from the chair when the camera guy motioned and walked backstage to get some water. Brushing through my hair, I bounced on the balls of my feet eagerly, preparing for the performance. After a few minutes of running through lyrics, I walked back on set, hoping to talk to some fans.

"Hey guys."

They were very enthusiastic, "Hey Harli, wow I'm such a huge fan!"

I smiled, "Thanks girls! You guys are amazing!"

I got the signal from the producer to get in my spot, so I waved to them and walked back center stage. The lights came back up, "Ladies and gentlemen, Harli Jackson!"

The music started playing and I lifted my mic to my lips, the familiar adrenaline rush that only comes from performing hit me like a tidal wave.

Last Christmas

I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away

This year

To save me from tears

I'll give it to someone special

I grinned at the crowd and began walking around, just letting myself go and having a blast.

Once bitten and twice shy

I keep my distance

But you still catch my eye

Tell me baby

Do you recognize me?


It's been a year

It doesn't surprise me

(Merry Christmas)

I walked to the front of the stage and sat down with my feet hanging off the edge pointing and swaying back and forth.

I wrapped it up and sent it

With a note saying, "I love you"

I meant it

Now I know what a fool I've been

But if you kissed me now

I know you'd fool me again

A crowded room

Friends with tired eyes

I'm hiding from you

And your soul of ice

My god I thought you were someone to rely on me?

I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart

A man under cover but you tore me apart

Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart

A man under cover but you tore him apart

Maybe next year I'll give it to someone

I'll give it to someone special.

The music ended and I smiled and thanked everyone again before walking offstage with a huge smile on my face.


So, a little introduction there. Any songs used in this story aren't mine. I am not taking credit of any of them. I am in no way a song writer, so I am borrowing some. Have a lovely day!


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