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Harli's POV

The passes in my bag jiggled as I strode toward the elevator. After years of visiting the hospital and bonding with the kids there, I was finally able to come through on some promises I'd made. Scooter helped me make arrangements after weeks of planning, and I was excited.

I exited the elevator into the cancer ward and moved to where the teenagers stayed. It was saddening how many kids lived here, and I hoped my surprise would brighten their day. When I got there, everyone immediately perked up and I got huge smiles.

"Harli!" one boy called out, and they all began gathering around me.

"Hey guys, I know I haven't stopped by in a while, but I'm hoping I can make it up to you guys."

After I got the idea, Scooter contacted the hospital to figure out about how many teenagers they had, and how many would actually be able to attend a concert. Once we got the number, I picked out which section I wanted them to sit in, and we started planning out what all we needed to be able to have all of them there.

It wasn't easy to figure out all of it while I was busy touring other cities, but it was worth the later than usual nights. Mom was proud of me, and I was excited to do it. Scooter wanted to drop the passes off at the hospital, but I begged him to let me do it once we got back in town.

When I was sure I had everyone's attention, I started talking again, "So, I wanted to do a little something special for you guys. You've probably heard me sing to the younger kids really done that for y'all which is a shame. I spoke to my management and got the okay to give you all tickets to my last concert in Los Angeles."

I pulled the passes out of my bag and held them out for the kids to take. "So, what do you say?"

The first girl that stepped forward and took a pass smiled at me, "Thank you, so much."

Her move broke the ice, and everyone began stepping up to take a pass. Their smiles grew and a warm feeling took over my stomach. I watched as they broke the huddle to move into smaller groups and talk excitedly about the concert.

All of a sudden, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist followed by another. The first girl yelled out, "Group hug!" and I was squished into the middle of a huge pile of smiling cancer patients. At that point, there wasn't anywhere else I'd rather be.


"Harli! Is it true Harry's in town?"

"Did you and Harry break up?"

"Is Harry cheating on you with Taylor Swift?"

"Are you cheating with Tyler Seguin?"

I snorted and stared straight at the woman, "If either Harry or I had the chance to date Tyler Seguin, both of us would take it in a heartbeat."

A few people laughed as I climbed into my car and began driving back to my house to relax until concert time. The first question never registered in my tired mind until I got home and was trying to unlock the door. My phone fell out of my pocket, and I realized they asked if Harry was in town.

Before I could start working on the lock again, the door swung open, and sure enough, there he was with Ty at his heels. My mouth dropped open, and I stared at him unbelievingly. Harry and I had been flying out to see each other when one of us had a day off, and I'm sure we were tiring each other out more than necessary, but we were happy, so it was okay.

"Hey Harli, how's it been sweetheart?"

I crushed him to me in a hug and he laughed wrapping his arms around me tightly. His scent enveloped me completely and my eyes watered. It had been a while since I'd seen him last, time zones not matching up enough for more than a few texts a day.

"Harry, I missed you."

"I missed you too, bud."

I squeezed him back tighter, and he laughed in response. I pulled back a little just to look up at him, "How are you here, I thought you had a show tonight?"

"Well I wanted to surprise you, so I made up a show. Then I got permission to come see my beautiful girlfriend and her show instead."

"How long are you here for?"

"Two days."

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