Concerning the Edits

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*slight spoilers*

This is for people who started reading during my editing process or people who read it before and have stumbled upon this again. Let's talk a little about a few of the changes I made in this story and why I made them.

1. I tried to keep core elements the same like what caused conflicts and kept the order of events the same, but there was some reconstruction including: escalation of drama, development of relationship speed, and realistic aspects of the actual adult world.
2. I kept the characters pretty much the same but Jess was new and I took out a lot about Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle
3. Ty was originally called Skippy and after renaming him, I made sure to include him way more the second time around.
4. Hockey was added.
5. Dialogue was changed as I felt necessary.
6. The original tweet was different than what it is now.
7. I made sure Harli didn't dress like my 14 year old self did.

I wanted to make these changes because I wrote this when I was a freshman in high school and extremely clueless to the world. Now that I'm much older and I have a better grip on how a young adult thinks, it was just about getting the motivation to do something about it. I wanted to include Jess because she didn't really have any "normal" friends originally and I wanted her to have one. So I gave Harli the chance to reconnect with an old friend and bond and grow close and feel that best friend relationship strengthen again. I chose to include her dog more because he deserved it. Hockey is something that I've liked for a while and for some reason I never included it in my stories which is a shame because it's fun and interesting and I saw the opportunity to make things different and I took it. I try to write about what I know best and what is familiar to me, and the hockey players I mentioned are those I know most about and the teams I mentioned are the ones I prefer to watch. 

If you've read all of this, kudos, thanks for sticking to it. I did my best to keep a lot the same, but at the same time it's mine and I changed what I saw fit. It's still the same story, same characters and I am still proud of it. Please, enjoy my friends.

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